URS1006 Study Guide Economic Base Concept Two types of activities or functions exists those are necessary for urban growth and those that exist primarily to supplement those necessary functions o Basic functions city forming activities Manufacturing Processing Trading of goods Providing for markets outside central city o Non basic functions Grocery stores Restaurants Beauty salons They cater primarily to the residents with in the city o Basic functions are the key to economic growth and prosperity o Income is channeled back into the cities non basic sectors Types of sectors o Primary sectors basic productions o Secondary sectors production of goods Agriculture Forestry Mining Fishing Industry Construction Manufacturing Trade Banks Transport Education Culture Health care o Tertiary sectors services Types of economies o Tallahassee Primary forestry Tertiary education capital o Berkeley o Detroit Tertiary education transportation health care Secondary manufacturing industry Secondary industry o Youngstown o Cleveland o Sao Paolo Secondary Tertiary Secondary Tertiary Industrial Era How did the industrial era shape cities Began in 1750 19th century cities emerged at sites of population concentration By 1900 only Great Britain was an urbanized society in the sense that half of the population lived in urban areas 20th century urbanized nations increased 1920 majority of US citizens lived in urban cities Every change in urban function has both positive and negative multiplier effects o Changes in functions reduction Poverty increases Unemployment spreads Whether growing or declining spatial change will result as a decline in older neighborhoods Those with out opportunities skills or transportation will be left out Problems of urbanization o Marginalized and unheard voices Health during industrial era o Pollution o Smog o Terrible health conditions
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