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Study Guide Thursday December 1 2011 PUR3000 Study Guide Quick Overview Multiple times in class Dr Gilmer would indicate that we would need to know a certain term or concept for the test I have compiled what I think is a good overview highlighting key points but terms ideas that were mentioned to be on the test are bolded in red The test will consist of 50 multiple choice questions 40 multiple choice 10 true and false You will be tested only on material from Chapters 16 22 The exam will be administered on a scantron so you MUST BRING A 2 Pencil Your FSUSN Table of Contents CHAPTER 16 Media Interviews News Conferences and Speeches 3 CHAPTER 17 Corporations 7 CHAPTER 18 Politics and Government 11 CHAPTER 19 Global Public Relations 14 CHAPTER 20 Nonprofit Organizations 17 CHAPTER 21 Education 20 CHAPTER 22 Entertainment Sports and Travel 22 CHAPTER 16 Media Interviews News Conferences and Speeches Preparation Key to Performing PR Practitioners are Expected to 1 Answer questions 2 Give major speeches 3 Write for and prepare their bosses to give major speeches Also to Prepare Others for Interviews Prepare them o To say something to entertain or inform the audience o To give media something to create a theme o For the interviewee s purpose assemble the facts o Lookout prepare for the interviewer s style Print Versus Broadcast In print information is interpreted by the reporter for the reader Interviewee speaker is seen and heard Personality can sell itself Do You Always Accept Interview Opportunities Not when circumstances call for delaying information and it may come out Accept interview but only on certain topics In TV The Print Interview For advocating a particular policy or cause Print interview is long up to an hour Interviewee has no control over content Answer questions but do not get off topic Radio TV Interview Characteristics of News Conferences Two way question asking Quick wide spread dissemination May lead to unanticipated controversy Projects host s point of view Yet must create cooperative atmosphere Three requirements 1 Preparations guests should know what key message is to be emphasized 2 Conciseness guest should respond precisely and briefly 3 Relaxed guests should concentrate on interview and interviewer Types of News Conferences 1 Briefing regularly scheduled by public official often nothing to report 2 Spontaneous arising from news event When to Hold News Conferences Failure when media go away disgusted Ask whether information could just as effectively be distributed through news release or media kit Time of day 8 30am to 10 00am is ideal Invite all interested Advice to News Conference Talkers 1 Never attempt to talk off record 2 Never lie Preparation for News Conferences Send invitation 6 8 weeks ahead Anticipate questions that will be asked Check out place location ahead of time Prepare for print and electronic media Online News Conferences Streaming via Internet Major advantage keeps media at their desks PR Practitioners Chore Writing Speeches Seldom get credit Often get the blame Requires extensive preliminary research Speech Writing Need PR Person s Research Audience Meet with speaker before during Check out the place Topic person Characteristics Speeches Appeal to the ear one brief exposure Different from other kinds of writing Relate to audience s needs problems Demographics Non Verbal Communication o Interpersonal communication skills o Speaking ability o Ability to write speeches o Speech writers often receive 100 000 a year or more Understand importance of non verbal o Smile o Posture o Eye Contact o Animation energy o Kinetics motion gestures Speech as a Release Distribute a release about a speech and multiply your audience Don t say speaker spoke about a topic say what the speaker said about the topic Summaries in one or two sentences Answer questions Research Target Situation 5 Ws 1H Audience Time of day Purpose time other speakers Research the Speaker Speech pattern Favorite devices humor etic Look at old speeches Objectives and Approach Objectives what is the speech supposed to accomplish Proper Tone Personal pronouns antecedents Comparisons Direct quotes Active voice Writing the Speech A speech is built in blocks Mostly one way communication 1 Opening 2 Body evidence that leads to conclusion 3 Develop theme statistics stories 4 Conclusion Giving Speeches Clarity is the most important thing Appeal to the ear Build a major point Concise definite Avoid monotone Keep audience in mind Play to Audience With eyes gestures o Gestures o Visual aids o Posture The hardest audience to address is a hostile one Less is best 20 minutes Civic club 30 minutes last 10 minutes for questions Length PowerPoint 90 of visuals in the U S use them Supplement with hard copies Use charts and graphs Can use electronic Being Interviewed for the Camera Use F A C E formula Most News Interviews Revolve around Compelling C s Catastrophe approaching a disaster Crisis problem approaching fast Conflict we ll fight it Crime Corruption Color human interest o Feeling o Analysis give them your assessment of the situation in one sentence or phrase o C see below o Energy you must project more energy for TV than in person Why Study Corporations 1 Since they are seen negatively they need to gain trust and credibility 2 Realize the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR CHAPTER 17 Corporations Today s Modern Corporations Largeness brings remoteness Makes public distrusting Media fans suspicious 27 feel corporation are untrustworthy 27 feel that they are trustworthy PR helps both Corporations are Unique They deal with a number of governments Their operations affect the environment Their large size brings remoteness CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Needed CSR Strategy Adopt ethical principles Pursue transparency and disclosure Make trust a foundation precept of corporate governance PR s Importance in Corporations Practitioners are the eyes and ears of the corporation aimed at all the stakeholders Link between the CEO and marketplace organization To Assist CSR PR Must Counsel the CEO Help create and maintain company morale Urge to become good public citizen Understand Influences When Making Decisions Governmental regulation Whether making a profit is possible Engineering knowledge Responsibility to society Media Pressure the Dilemma On one hand the media make CEOs defensive about business coverage Yet media is the most effective way to get a corporation s message across One

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FSU PUR 3000 - CHAPTER 16: Media Interviews

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