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12 05 2013 Public Relations Final Exam Review Plus Past Quiz Questions Answers Quiz 1 Public Relations Planned process to influence public opinion through sound character and proper performance based on mutually satisfactory two way communication public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other Planned process to influence Public Opinion John Marston four step model RACE o 1 Research o 2 Action this is the key o 3 Communication o 4 Evaluation Public relations must serve as an honest broker to management o Advice must be unfiltered uncensored and unexpurgated Melvin Sharpe says to harmonize five principles are o Honest communication for credibility o Openness and consistency of actions for confidence o Fairness of actions for reciprocity and goodwill o Continuous two way communication o Environmental research and evaluation to determine the actions or adjustments needed for social harmony Functions of PR management must always speak with one voice its communications must be sensitive to all constituent publics Writing Fundament public Relations skill Media Relations Planning Counseling management and its interactions Researching Publicity Marketing Communications Community Relations Social Media Interface Chapter 2 History and Growth of PR Several trends have influences PR o Growth of big institutions o Heightened public awareness and media sophistication Global village o Increasing incidence of societal change conflict and confrontation o Globalization and growing power of global media public opinion o Dominance of the internet and groth of social media Ancient Beginnings Ancient greek and communication skills Creel committee massive verbal and written communications effort was successful in marshaling national pride behind the war effort o This was the first in US history that information was used as a weapon of war Propaganda o This term in the catholic church days meant to help propagate the faith and did not have bad meaning Emergence of Robber Barons American industrial revolution ushered in the growth of PR robber barons cared little for the rest of society Enter the Muckrakers Journalist shock stories soon led to a wave of sentiment for legislative reform The muckrackers were the journalists who gave robber barons criticism They discovered a corporation would be doomed without public opinion And the best way is through honesty and candor Chapter 3 Communication Communication is a great tool and must be handled with great care The PR practitioner is a professional communicator Communication exchanging information imparting ideas and making oneself understood by others Understanding is critical to the communication process The most important person is the receiver If the person who receives the message doesn t there was no communication Traditional Theories of Communication Concentric circle theory assumed that ideas evolve gradually to the public at large moving in concentric circles from great thinkers to lesser o This suggests people pick up from leaders Pat Jackson five step process o 1 Building awareness o 2 Developing a latent readiness this is where they form opinion o 3 Triggering event o 4 Intermediate behavior o 5 Behavioral change SEMDR communications process o Source Message Receiver Decoding stage encoding stage silent theories of communication Contemporary theories of Communication diffusion and convergence Constructivism o Knowledge is constructed not transmitted Coordinated management of meaning o Based on social interaction Grunig Hunt Public Relations models QUIZ o Press agency publicity o Public information o Two way asymmetric o Two way symmetric Free and equal info flow b w organization and its publics Media Bias People base perceptions off of what they read or hear The press ad media do not reflect reality they filter and shape it Media concentration on a few issues and subjects lead the public to perceive those as important Feedback A communicator must get feedback from a receiver to know what messages are or are not getting through and how to structure future communications You are not communicating if the other person does not hear or understand and react to it Quiz question Public Opinion You must change the action before credibility or trust can be built Public opinion is combustible and changing commodity Pr programs are designed to o 1 Persuade people to change opinion on something o 2 Crystallize uninformed or undeveloped opinions o 3 Reinforce existing opinions Pr Professionals must understand what public opinion is how it is formed how to change it and how it is influenced by communication What is Public Opinion Public signifies a group of people who share a common interest Opinion is the expression of an attitude on a particular topic Attitudes Opinions Actions QUIZ Public opinion represents a consensus How are they attitudes influenced muddled middle passive neutral indifferent used to called silent majority they hold the key to success because they are most readily influenced by a message QUIZ theory of cognitive dissonance people avoid information that opposes their opinion and seek info that goes along with it Social judgment theory people have a range of opinions on a certain subject anchored by a clear attitude o latitude of acceptance Influencing Public Opinion 1 Opinions to be changed must be identified and understood 2 Target publics must be clear 3 Public relations prof must have the laws that govern public opinion in sharp focus Laws of Public Opinion o Opinion is highly sensitive to important events o Opinion is generally determined more by events than by words unless those words are themselves interpreted as an event o At critical times people become more sensitive to the adequacy of their leadership If they have confidence in it they are willing to assign more than usual responsibility to it if they lack they are less tolerable o Once self interest is involved opinions are slow to change o People have more opinions and are able to form opinions more easily on goals than on methods to reach those goals o If people in a democracy are provided with educational opportunities and ready access to information public opinion reveals a hardheaded common sense Chapter 5 Management PR is much more planned persuasive social managerial science now a days The CEO is the organizations chief spokes person Quiz o Responsible for setting strategy and framing policy reputation defender thinking on your feet

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