P a g e 1 Study Guide Test 3 Fall 2013 DIE 4310 Chapters 4 5 8 9 Professor Dr Jenice Rankins Program Planning Chapter 4 10 Questions pg 450 book Define differentiate and give examples of Formative process examining program activities and how program is delivered Outcome Measuring whether program changed overall health status of target population Structure Evaluating personnel and environmental factors related to program delivery Impact Objectives Determining whether and to what extent a program accomplished and its goals Know the four components of good objectives 1 The action or activity to be undertaken 2 Target population 3 An indication of how success will be measured or evaluated 4 The time frame in which the objective will be met Define and give examples of a mission statement Mission statement A broad statement or declaration of an organization s purpose of reason for being It provides an identity and proclaims This is what this organization is all about o Example ADA mission is leading the future of dietetics Identify factors that can trigger program planning Community needs assessment Mandated by an organization s national office or from a federal agency Research findings sometimes trigger the planning process The concerns of a well known community leader or coalition may stimulate program planning Availability of funding for new programs Government policy Know the steps in the program planning process Step 1 Review Results of community needs assessment Step 2 Define program goals and objectives Outcome objectives measurable changes in health nutritional outcome Process objectives measurable activities carried out by team members of program P a g e 2 Structure objectives measurable activities surrounding budget staffing management resources and coordination Step 3 Develop a program plan Step 4 Develop a management team Step 5 Identify funding sources Step 6 Implement the Program Step 7 Evaluate Program elements and effectiveness Know the standard components of an evaluation report Front Cover title location name of evaluators period covered by report and date report submitted Summary brief overview of the evaluation Background Information what the program is designed to do and how it began Description of the evaluation purpose of eval why it was conducted and what it was intended to accomplish Results outcome or process evaluation Discussion of the results results are interpreted Conclusions recommendations and options outlines major conclusions that are drawn from the evaluation and results and suggests a course of action 3 rules o Communicate info to the appropriate potential users o Ensure the report addresses the issues the users perceive as important o Report is delivered in time to be useful and that the user can easily understand Be familiar with some of the challenges of multicultural evaluation The evaluator must strive to remain neutral in the face of competing minority interests Evaluator must search out and define the views and interests of the minority groups to ensure that their needs are being met Evaluator must be sensitive to the cultural differences that make implementing the evaluation difficult Know that a good effective nutrition program is not achieved by accident but by planning today to meet the needs of tomorrow Chapter 8 Obesity Epidemic 15 Questions pg 236 Discuss the public health rationale for naming the nutrition chapter of HP2020 Nutrition and Overweight consider costs and association with chronic diseases P a g e 3 Define Obesity Accumulation of excess adipose tissue obesity being more severe A BMI for age above the CDC growth chart criterion of 95th percentile BMI An index of a person s weight in relation to height that correlates with total body fat content BMI weight in kg height in m 2 Differentiate between the method for defining BMI in adults and in children Identify sources of data used to map the prevalence of obesity in the CDC obesity maps shown in class NHANES BRFFS Provide a brief description of BRFFS Differentiate between BRFFS and NHANES methods overall NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey o Involves nationally representative sample o Data collection traveling measuremen trailer obtain subjective or self reported information about dieary and physical activity behaviors o Measure and weigh participant objective measurement o Biological and behavioral data o Show prevalence of overweight and obesity in US increased substantially during last 2 decades BRFFS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System o Data collected from individual states through random digit dial telephone interview with adult age 18 o Subjective measurement o Participant report own measurement without objective confirmation o Data higher than reported b c data represent state level o Information on diet and physical activity behavior as well as prevalence obesity related disease Summarize the changes in the prevalence of obesity between 1990 1998 and 2012 based on the CDC obesity maps shown in class and identify the direction up down stayed the same of obesity trends in the different states and regions of the country between 2007 CDC maps and 2011 as described in the Fas in Fat Report 2013 Cite the various methods for determining one s BMI BMI electronic calculator BMI formula BMI grid Overall Obesity has been increasing since 1990 2012 it began to shoot up in 1998 Direction up BMI electronic Calculator type in height m and weight kg BMI Formula weight kg height m 2 BMI Grid Based on height and what range of weight you should fall under in the shaded grid Support the following statement with statistics There is no doubt that Americans are trying to lose weight Statistic P a g e 4 Give specific examples of determinants of obesity Can be related to either dietary intake or physical activity or to both and they can be genetic psychosocial behavioral or environmental Can also vary depending on other factors such as age of the person Differentiate between primary secondary and tertiary levels of prevention Give examples of obesity prevention efforts at each of the three levels Primary Level of Prevention Risk o Aimed at preventing disease by controlling risk factors that are related to injury and disease o Example low fat cooking classes Secondary Level of Prevention Onset risk appraisal o Example public screenings for hypertension Tertiary Level of Prevention Diagnosis Outcome o Focuses on detecting disease early through screening and other
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