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PUR3000 Exam 3 Gilmer Thank you for purchasing my study guide I have put all supplemental information from the text in gray and all the things Gilmer pointed out as good test questions are bolded Words that are italicized in the text are also italicized in this guide He said this would be a difficult text so don t try to memorize lists or dates but pay attention to concepts Chapter 16 Media Interviews News Conferences and Speeches Quiz Questions What amusement park did the On the Job ethics deal with Disney World What does the S in SPEAK stand for Smile What is the most common answer to should we hold a press conference No 1 Preparing for a media interview a Preparation is key to performing b PR practitioners are expected to i ii iii Answer and anticipate questions of journalists Give major speeches Write for and prepare their bosses to give major speeches c Prepare the client to Say something to inform or entertain Give the media a theme to use For the interviewer s purpose For the interviewer s style i ii iii iv In all cases inform or entertain the audience 2 Print differs from Broadcast d a Information is interpreted by the reporter for the reader i The information is filtered through the reporter s eyes and what is most important will be reported b For advocating a particular product c Print interviews are long up to an hour d The interviewee has no control over the content i No one should ask to approve an interview story before it is published because this is seen as censorship e Answer questions but do not get off topic 3 Television Interviews a The speaker is seen and heard so their personality can sell b Do not always accept interviews i ii Not when circumstances call for delaying of information Can accept an interview but makes rules about the topics to be covered reporters generally resent this 4 Radio and Television a Three requirements for success i ii iii Preparation guests should know what key message to emphasize Conciseness respond precisely and briefly Relaxation concentrate on the interview and the interviewer forget Mike fright b The PR practitioner can send a fact sheet to the interviewer so that they better understand the guest before the interview 5 News Conferences a Communication is two way b A k a press conferences c The person representing the company issues a statement and generally submits to questions i News conferences can be held to unveil a new product goals plans etc d Makes possible quick widespread dissemination of information e Project the host s point of view f May lead to unanticipated controversy i Presidents often avoid press conferences because the media asks unrelated questions g Must create a cooperative atmosphere 1 Often use mortification strategy 6 Planning and Conducting a News Conference a Should we hold a news conference or not Frequently the answer should be no If it is not truly newsworthy do not waste anyone s time 1 Ask whether the information could be just as effectively be distributed through a news release media kit or online 2 You have failed when the media goes away disgusted b Every news outlet that might be interested should be invited you do not want to piss anyone off c 9 30 10 a m is an ideal time because you want the news to be printed in papers and to be shown on TV newscasts d Advice to the speaker at a news conference 1 Never attempt to talk off the record 2 Never lie 7 Preparation the Location a Select a convenient location b Send an invitation 6 8 weeks ahead c Check out the location ahead of time d Write a statement for the spokesperson to give at the conference and make sure it is rehearsed Prepare printed materials for distribution e Try to anticipate questions f g Prepare location for print and electronic media h Arrive early i j 8 Online News Conferences At some conferences there is time beforehand for photos Know when to stop questioning cannot be premature but should also not drag on a Today online conferences are better attended because journalists can view and ask questions from their desks major advantage b Cost effective 9 Types of News Conferences a Briefing regularly scheduled by public official often there is nothing to report b Spontaneous arising from a news event 10 Media Tours a Three types junket a editors and reporters are invited to inspect a company s manufacturing facilities in 1 several cities ride an inaugural flight or watch previews of TV programs in Hollywood or New York b host usually picks up the tab for transportation food and housing c give the reporter the option to pay themselves to avoid potential conflicts of interest 2 familiarization trip a b Pay all expenses and hope for a favorable review fam trips are offered to travel writers by the tourism industry a The organization s executives travel to key cities to talk to selected editors 3 Hi tech 11 Press Parties Luncheon dinner or cocktail party where host rises at the end to make a pitch a b Guests are given press packets of information c Advantages are the officials of host organization can become acquainted with media and that the media will be more receptive after cocktails not necessarily true 12 The Art of Speechwriting a PR practitioners seldom get credit and often get the blame b To be a good speech writer you need 1 Strong interpersonal communication skills 2 Speaking ability 3 Ability to write speeches 4 A speech writer often receives 100 000 a year or more c Requires extensive preliminary research 1 Consider the intended audience 2 Meet with the speaker before and during writing Take the time to find out how they deliver speeches and what they like to say 3 Consider the location 4 Know the topic and the person 13 Characteristics of speeches a Appeal to the ear one brief exposure b Different from other kinds of writing c Relate to the audience s needs and problems Maslow s hierarchy of needs d Demographics 14 Speech as Release a Distribute a release about a speech to multiply your audience b 1 or 2 sentence summaries c Answer questions d Don t say your speaker spoke about the topic say what they said about it 15 Steps in speech writing a Research 1 Target audience situation time of day purpose other speakers etc a Can be a friendly audience neutral audience or hostile b Hostile audiences are the hardest to address 2 Research your speaker speech pattern favorite devices old speeches b Objectives and approach 1 What is the speech supposed to accomplish 2 Everything in a speech should be pertinent to the objectives a

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