o What is Public Relations Developing and fostering a positive relationship between and organization and its public Maintaining a reputation Why do we have trouble defining PR In its formal sense PR is only about 100 years old and is still defining itself Sometimes when we say PR we really mean one of its functional parts o Functional Parts of PR Press Agentry One way communication that beams messages from a source to a receiver with the express intention of winning favorable media attention P T Barnum Amos Kendall were the notorious practitioners of this art Handles public persona Keeping the name out there so people will pay money to see your client This is why PR doesn t have a good reputation Ethics is trying to change this Publicity Information 1 thing PR practitioners do Who what when where Goal is to get the public to participate Behavioral Science is important to PR Institutional advertising Managing the institutional or nonproduct advertising image as well as being called on increasingly to assist in the management of more traditional product advertising Pushing an organization or class of products Public Affairs i e Got Milk Governmental issues Issues management Coordinating activities with legislators on local state and federal levels Looking in the future forecasting what can will happen and then acting to be prepared and have the advantage 1 identifies issues 2 analyzes each issue 3 deal with opportunities and vulnerabilities 4 implement an action program 5 evaluate programs in terms of reaching organizational goals Litigates the damage Lobbying Pass or defeat legislation Get most positive things done Investor relations Managing relations with investment community including the firm s present and potential stockholders This task emphasizes personal contact with securities analysts institutional investors and private investors Deals with information about publicly traded company Change numbers into simple rules Development Fundraising People who work for foundations i e FSU and ask for donations Good PR is strategic and uses appropriate tools o Quantifying PR X Y Z X something the organization does Y how X is interpretes to publics Perception is reality Z the public s opinion o Trends affecting PR Growth of big institutions Alvin Toffler Communication revolution Age of farming Age of manufacturing Age of information 1 event catalyst Sputnik Miniaturizing information 60 of jobs related to information Heightened public awareness and media sophistication Globalization and the growing power of global media public opinion capitalism Increasing incidence of societal change conflict and confrontation Global society think about actions and how they ll play out with rest of world Dominance of the internet and growth of social media o Ancient Examples of PR Agricultural parchment on crops Ancient people wrote drew tips for growing crops on parchment Greek Sophists on political candidates and issues Early lobbyists Julius Caesar s Commentaries on the Gallic Wars He promoted the war to the roman senate Magna Carta Catholic College of Propaganda Pope Gregory hired priests to tell the story of the catholic church Speaker s bureau o Revolutionary War Era Slogan to foster participation No taxation without representation Mobilize public opinion Symbols First to press Liberty Tree Christian fish branding campaign Putting the other guy on the defense Boston Massacre Staged public relations events Organizations doing something to call attention Boston Tea Party Organizations for actions Sons of Liberty PETA Publications Fundraising o Post Revolution History s finest PR job Article of the Confederation led to The Federalist Paper Argument over why new constitution be ratified Added Bill of Rights Got constitution ratified Amos Kendall The first authentic presidential press secretary hired by Pres Jackson Developed Globe administration s own newspaper Creation of Events Press Agentry P T Barnum Modern political campaigning William Jennings Bryan First Corporate Public Relations Department Westinghouse Records Say good things about the company o Early 1900s Dawn of Modern PR The muckrakers Group of journalists who wrote about the monstrosities of factory work Upton Sinclair The Jungle Big Industries fought back by hiring journalists to tell their side Publicity Bureau represented several different organizations First PR Firm PR Journal Founded AT T Theodore Vail President of AT T He believed AT T existed only because its customers This was opposite thinking of all other big business owner An organization and its publics must exist together Revolutionary thinking o Ivey Lee Formal journalist key to business acceptance and understanding was that the public be informed Disdained press agents Hired by John D Rockefeller to assist with the fallout from the Ludlow massacre Tell the truth because sooner or later the public will find out anyway 1906 Pennsylvania Railroad Strike 1914 Colorado Fuel and Iron Strike He was able to change the Public Opinion of these and Rockefeller Invited press to ask questions Gave handouts to them about everything they needed to know to write Declaration of Principles Give any information Doing good business Revolutionary First to use handouts to the press Father of Modern Public Relations o World War 1 Not everone supported U S involvement in WWI George Creel Committee on Public Information Four Minute Men Employed by Creel Pres Wilson hired Creel to get people to support involvement in WWI Once they were given information they would spread the information among the town city Gets Information out quickly o The 1920s Arthur Page AT T Prominent PR practitioner Arthur Page Society prestigious society of the best practitioners Set bar for special corporate PR Alice Beeman First woman to head an association CASE Council for Advancement Support of Education Promoting higher education Edward L Bernays Most influence on PR Sigmund Freud Bernays Uncle Published Freud s psychiatrist book in America Wrote first textbook Crystallizing Public Opinion Taught the first PR course at NYU Coined the term public relations counsel Argued a license was needed to call oneself a PR practitioner APR Accredited Public Relations Married to his partner Doris Fleischman Accomplished PR professional o Roosevelt Era Gallup and Roper Polls founded Elmo Roper An American pioneer in political forecasting using scientific polls Assumed that ideas evolve gradually to the public at large moving in
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