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Anatomy Lab Exam Review LAB 1 Axial Skeleton Anatomical Terms Remember to include pertaining to in your answer AXIAL pertaining to the central part of the body the head and the trunk Cephalic pertaining to the head Cranial pertaining to the portion of the skull surrounding the brain Facial pertaining to the face Frontal pertaining to the forehead Orbital pertaining to the eye Otic pertaining to the ear Nasal pertaining to the nose Buccal pertaining to the cheek Oral pertaining to the mouth Mental pertaining to the chin Occipital pertaining to the back of the head Cervical pertaining to the neck Thoracic pertaining to the chest Sternal pertaining to the breast bone Pectoral pertaining to the chest Mammary pertaining to the breast Abdominal pertaining to the abdomen Umbilical pertaining to the naval Coxal pertaining to the hip Pelvic pertaining to the pelvis Pubic pertaining to the genital area Dorsal pertaining to the back Scapular pertaining to the shoulder blade region Vertebral pertaining to the spinal column Lumbar pertaining to the back between the lowest rib and buttocks Directional Terms Inferior below The neck is inferior to the head Superior above The head is superior to the neck Anterior Ventral closer to the front of the body The lips are anterior to the teeth Posterior Dorsal closer to the back of the body The teeth are posterior to the lips Medial closer to midline of body The nose is medial to the eyes Lateral farther from midline of body The eyes are lateral to the nose Contralateral on opposite sides of the body The right arm and left leg are contralateral Proximal nearer to point of attachment of limb to trunk The elbow is proximal to the wrist Intermediate between two structures The elbow is intermediate between the shoulder and wrist Ipsilateral on same side of body The right and right leg are ipsilateral Distal farther from point of attachment of limb to trunk The wrist is distal to the elbow Deep farther from surface of body The muscles are deep to the skin Superficial closer to the surface of the body The skin is superficial to the muscles Body Planes Sections Frontal anterior and posterior portions coronal Sagittal dividing into left and right portions unequal parts Median mid sagittal dividing through the middle two equal parts Transverse horizontal cut superior and inferior portions Body Cavities Organ Systems Abdominal Quadrants Remember it s the image s right and left Right Upper Quadrant RUQ portion of the colon a piece of the Small intestine gallbladder and Left Upper Quadrant LUQ stomach spleen portion of the pancreas part of the large intestine and the right kidney and liver small intestine and the left kidney Right Lower Quadrant RLQ small intestine and piece of the large intestine Left Lower Quadrant LLQ small intestine and piece of the large intestine Serous Membranes covers organs Covers most organs and is named based on the organ Two layers with serous fluid between them serous fluid protects and lubricates Visceral covers the organ Parietal attaches organ to the body The pericardium covers the heart The pleura covers the lungs The peritoneum covers abdominal organs Bone Structure Long Bones are long with a thick compact bone exterior humerous philanges Flat bones contain a thin veneer of compact bone sternum Short bones are approximately equal in length and width with only a thin layer of compact bone trapezoid and wrist ankle Irregular bones are very irregular in shape and include the vertebra Sesamoid bones are small bones that develop in tendons They are extra bones that have a role in protection patella Diagram of a long bone Things to know Spongy bone means RED bone marrow and RED blood cells Articular cartilage is used for movement purposes The YELLOW bone marrow in the MEDULLARY cavity is mostly FAT Cortical bone is the same as compact bone Osteons and Microanatomy Head Skull Know the 4 lobes of the head frontal parietal occipital and temporal Know the 3 sutures Coronal suture divides frontal lobe and parietal lobe Lambdoid suture divides parietal lobe and occipital lobe Squamous suture divides parietal lobe and temporal lobe In the following two diagrams know where all of the various bones fossas arch and processes Front view diagram Foramens Foramens are opening holes in which vessels and nerves go through Foramen Magnum largest foramen in body Fontanels For fontanels just know that a baby can go through a birth canal because of the flexibility of these fontanels Sinuses Know the sinuses vaguely but don t focus on them Know that sinuses keep the head light Nasal septum divides the nose in two sections Nasal conchae turbinate warms and humidifies the air Hyoid Bone Know all of the parts of the hyoid Vertebra Know the 3 divisions of the vertebra o Cervical thoracic and lumbar Coffee at 7 cervical has SEVEN vertebras Tea at 12 thoracic has TWELEVE vertebras Lager at 5 lumbar has FIVE vertebras o Atlas is C1 o Axis is C2 o Transverse process bone marking o We have 12 ribs Ribs 1 7 are TRUE ribs which go around and articulate with the sternum 8 10 are FALSE ribs stick out Ribs 11 and 12 aren t of much importance models usually get these removed to make their waist tinier Cervical Vertebra Atlas and Axis Atlas and Axis Thoracic Vertebra Lumbar Vertebra Know the difference between the three Sacrum and Coccyx For the sacrum and coccyx just know sacral ala superior articular process lumbar vertebra superior articular facet coccyx Sternum breastbone located between the clavicle and the ribs Know all parts of the sternum The space in between the ribs is the intercostal space Rib 7 is the last rib that articulates with the sternum Ribs 8 9 and 10 are false ribs Ribs 11 and 12 are floating ribs important when giving birth Three conditions of the vertebral column Kyphosis think hunchback Lordosis lordy lordy look at that butt LAB 2 Appendicular Skeleton Table 10 1 Know a fossa is both an attachment or articulation The only articulations are head condyle and fossa The rest are attachments Pectoral or Shoulder Girdle Sternoclavicular joint joins the sternum and the clavicle Acromioclavicular joint joins the scapula and clavicle Glenohumeral joint joins the humerous and scapula Clavicle Know most fractures occur in the middle Know the difference between the sternal end and the acromial end Scapula Posterior View o Spine o Acromial process o Supraspinous fossa o Focus on borders Medial and lateral border Superior border o Superior and inferior angle o

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FSU PET 3322L - Anatomy Lab Exam Review

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