The Brain and Cranial Nerves 3 Major Parts 1 Cerebrum a Have elevations called gyrus and depression called sulcus i Longitudinal Fissure Sulcus that divides right and left hemispheres of brain b Consists of and outer cerebral cortex an internal region of cerebral white matter and gray matter nuclei deep within the white matter c Corpus Callosum Responsible for communication between the hemispheres d Cerebral Lobes named after the bones which lie over them i Frontal Motor information planning judgment ii Parietal Integrates incoming sensory information iii Occipital Vision iv Temporal Hearing info many others e Central Sulcus Middle of cerebrum divides parietal and frontal lobe Divider of sensory and motor information Motor anterior to it Sensory posterior to it f 5th part of the cerebrum the insula cannot be seen at the surface of the brain because it lies within the lateral cerebral sulcus 2 Cerebellum responsible for skeletal muscle movements i Separated from the cerebrum by the transverse fissure 3 Brain Stem 3 subparts a Medulla Oblongata responsible for most cardiovascular functions most inferior i Emerging from the lateral medulla posterior to the olive in descending order are the glossopharyngeal nerves IX the vagus nerves X and the bulbar accessory nerves XI The hypoglossal nerves XII emerge from the lateral medulla anterior to the olive in middle bridge for skeletal muscle information coming in and out of b Pons cerebellum Helps M O with respiration c Midbrain Superior Visual Auditory reflex center i Cerebral Aqueduct passes through midbrain connecting the 3rd and 4th ventricle Diencephalon Link between 3 parts of the brain Made up of 1 Hypothalamus homeostasis Anterior close to pituitary gland Relay station for smell function for 2 Thalamus In middle Relay station for all sensory information except for smell a Basal Ganglia helps coordinate slow sustained movements lateral to thalamus 3 Epithalamus gland which releases melatonin Most dorsal part responsible for sleep wake cycles Contains the Pineal Cranial Meninges protective coverings of brain 3 types 1 Dura Mater tough outer layer a Falx Cerebri Falx Cerebelli and Tentorium Cerebelli i Falx Cerebri fold of dura mater that descends vertically in longitudinal fissure separates two cerebral hemispheres ii Falx Cerebelli small triangular process that separates 2 cerebellar hemispheres Located in the transverse fissure 2 Arachnoid Mater Spidery 3 Pia Mater thin delicate Cerebrospinal Fluid nourishes brain tissue provides protection made in between arachnoid pia mater called the subarachnoid space Ventricles have specialized cells that make cerebrospinal fluid 2 lateral 3rd and 4th ventricle Cranial Nerves OOOTTAFVGVAH is Oh oh oh to touch and feel very good velvet ah heaven I II Olfactory Nerve Sense of smell sensory Optic Nerve sense of sight sensory III IV Oculomotor Nerve innervate extraocular muscles to move eyes facilitates pupillary constriction motor Trochlear Nerve innervate extraocular muscles to move eyes superior oblique muscle motor V Trigeminal Nerve Sensations in face biting chewing sensory motor VI Abducens Nerve innervate extraocular muscles to move eyes lateral rectus muscle motor VII Facial Nerve facial expression taste anterior 2 3 of tongue sensory motor VIII Vestibulocochlear Nerve acoustic senses sound sensory IX Glossopharyngeal Nerve taste from posterior 1 3 tongue sensory motor X Vagus Nerve Main PS nerve Controls heartbeat breathing a lot more sensory motor XI Accessory Nerve Controls shoulder and neck motor XII Hypoglossal Nerve controls tongue movement swallowing speech motor The Heart Endocrine System the Major Endocrine Organs Pineal Gland Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Thymus gland Adrenal Glands Pancreas Ovaries Testes Pituitary Gland Called the Master Endocrine Gland because it regulates the activities of other hormone realeasing glands Stimulated by the hypothalamus which releases pre hormones anterior posterior The infundibulum connects the posterior pituitary to the hypothalamus Anterior Glandular tissue o GH somatotropin TSH LH FSH PRL ACTH Posterior Neurohormones storage area o Oxytocin and ADH Hypothalamus Releasing hormones TRH GHRH GnRH CRH Inhibiting hormones Somatostatin Dopamine Thyroid Gland Calcitonin Parathyroid Glands PTH Pancreas Insulin Beta Cells Glucagon Alpha Cells Adrenal Glands o Opposes PTH stimulates osteoblasts TH Stimulates glucose oxidation o Most important hormone in calcium regulation stimulates osteoclasts Medulla Nervous tissue interior to adrenal cortex releases catecholamines NE E Cortex Corticosteroids separated into 3 zones Zona Glomerulosa most superior secretes mineralcorticoids o Aldosterone promotes Na and H20 retention reg BP BV Zona Fasciculata middle secretes glucocorticoids o Cortisol gluconeogenesis glycogenolysis increase blood sugar Zona Reticularis bottom secretes androgens o Estrogen Progesterone ovaries growth development o Testosterone in males testis Pineal Gland Thymus Controls sleep wake cycle secretes melatonin Peptide hormones that influence normal T cell development Blood Flow through Heart Superior inferior vena cava right atrium tricuspid valve right ventricle pulmonary valve pulmonary artery lungs pulmonary veins left atrium bicuspid valve left ventricle aortic valve aorta Auricles are extra covering of the atria seen when dissecting the heart Pericardium outer layer of muscle tissue Heart Wall made of Epicardium Myocardium Endocardium visceral layer of the serous pericardium the contractile layer endothelial layer that is continuous with the blood vessels Chordae Tendineae open and close the AV valves attached to papillary muscle in heart The Cardiac Cycle Blood Pressure Major Vessels Pulmonary Circulation lungs and Systemic Circulation rest of body Important arteries respective veins to know carotid brachiocephalic subclavian renal iliac femoral celiac trunk brachial radial and aortic arch Inferior Vena Cava brings deoxygenated blood back to the heart from the lower body Arteries under more pressure thicker than veins blood from heart then out usually oxygenated further away they are the less pressure they have Renal Artery supply to kidney Gastroduodenal artery blood to stomach small intestine Abdominal aorta continuation of the thoracic aorta splits into R L Iliac supplies liver spleen stomach Short branch off of the arteries Celiac trunk abdominal aorta divides into 3 arteries o Left Gastric
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