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AMH 3351 Study Guide Colonial Settlements Chesapeake Jamestown 1607 New England Mass Bay Colony 1630 Middle Colonies NY PA MD NJ Southern Colonies GA SC NC All had English heritage Political Causes For Settlement English Civil War Oliver Cromwell British Continental Distractions 1689 1697 King Williams War establishment of British Fleet 1702 1713 Queen Annes War 1744 1748 King Georges War French and Indian War Seven Years War Cause of American Revolution In America 1754 1763 In Europe 1756 1763 Peace of Paris 1763 End of French presence in Colonies Proclamation Line of 1763 Sets boundary for British Colonies Made England biggest maritime power in the world French take Louisiana Purchase territory Britain broke adds taxes for colonies Colonial Structure Governor appointed by Parliament Legislature of Colonists that are elected by citizens Voting age 21 must be of European descent and own land Sugar Act 1764 Pays for colonists defense Colonists don t feel it is necessary Start smuggling sugar Currency Act of 1764 Colonists can t use own money and can t print any more Limited trading barter system Rights of British Colonists Asserted and Proved James Otis Taxation without Representation is Tyranny Virginia Resolves Published objections to England Not against taxes just how they were raised Stamp Act of 1765 Pay tax on British stamp Stamps put on all legal documents newspapers periodicals playing cards Sons of Liberty Loyal 9 Start in Boston Led by Samuel Adams protested British abuses Spread to all colonies Stamp Act Congress October 7 25 1765 Declaration of Rights No Taxation without Representation Stamp Tax Appealed before it ever went into action Declaratory Act of 1766 Passed in Parliament Said parliament had same authority to pass laws in colonies as it did in England Quartering Act of 1763 Required colonists to provide provisions and housing to British soldiers Townshend Acts 1766 67 repealed in 1770 New York Restraining Act Board of Customs Commissioners to prevent smuggling in Boston Writ of Assistance Townshend Revenue Tax Added new taxes to colonists narrowing control Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania 1767 1768 10 weeks 14 Letters by John Dickinson avoid conflict with England Massachusetts Circular Letter Sam Adams James Otis First generalized response to British acts All colonies coming together Parliament s Response to Protests Send 2 regiments to Boston July 1768 Dissolved Mass Legislature Massachusetts Response August 1 1768 Boston Non Importation Agreement Won t take shipments from England except for essentials Virginia Response Resolutions that say parliament has no right to tax colonies Va Assembly is dissolved Boston Massacre March 5th 1770 Propaganda Name for Event British fired on unarmed crowd Bostonians wanted officers tried defended by John Adams Found innocent and sent back to England Gaspee Incident June 1772 British Ship looking for smugglers Lured into Colonial waters runs aground ship looted and set on fire Committees of Correspondence led by Sam Adams Communication groups from colony to colony Hand written letters by horseback Boston Tea Party December 16th 1773 East India Tea Company owned by friends of Lord North Tea Act gave EIT company monopoly on tea in colonies Sons of Liberty devise plan to turn back ships Longshoremen refuse to unload tea Sons of Liberty dress as Indians board ship and dump tea into harbor Coercive Acts Intolerable Acts Passed in response to Tea Party meant to make an example of Boston Boston Port Bill Massachusetts Gov Act Quartering Act Admin of Justice Act Quebec Act Boston Port Bill Fined Mass And closed Boston Harbor Massachusetts Government Act Abolished British charter that started the colony Put royal gov in charge marshal law All juries appointed by Gov No town hall meetings Quartering Act 1774 British could now go into private homes had to feed clothe and be housekeepers for soldiers Administration of Justice Act Any British soldier that committed a crime would be tried in England not in colonies Quebec Act Directed toward Virginia no westward boundary All lands NW of Ohio River became part of Quebec Territory First Continental Congress September 5th October 26th 1774 In response to Coercive Acts Reps From each colony 55 overall Not equally represented each colony gets one vote VA Delegates have best ideas George Washington Patrick Henry Payton Randolph Galloway Plan on Union James Galloway PA Grand Council among Colonists parliament Just be an arm of parliament Suffolk Resolves Joseph Warren MA What principles the politicians need to live by Mass Should start local state set up local taxes create Mass Militia call of unity to oppose the British Support for congress colonists no longer loyal to the king Continental Association Supervisor of results of the Convention Ban on importation of British tea Don t import British goods expect intolerable acts to be repealed Patrick Henry Give me liberty or give me death March 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord April 18 and 19th 1775 fight over arsenal shot heard round the world Fort Ticonderoga Fort taken by colonists Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold Held for 2 years Second Continental Congress May 10th 1775 Presided by John Hancock Radicals John and Sam Adams No real authority Created continental army led by GW Battle of Bunker Hill June 17th 1775 starting to acknowledge war Don t fire till you see the whites of their eyes Olive Branch Petition July 1775 John Dickinson Stay loyal to king but disapproves of parliaments actions King George refuses to read petition Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms Drafted by 2nd Congress Explained why the colonies had taken up arms Common Sense January 1776 Thomas Paine Widely distributed to colonies Blames King George for ills of colonists not parliament Insults king and British people Don t owe any allegiance to king started trend for independence Richard Henry Lee VA Proposes break from England June 1776 George Mason Virginia Declaration of Rights Stated inherent rights of all men French in War Why should they help us Send supplies and warships to America Keep quiet about alliance Victory at Battle of New York seals the deal Battle of New York 1777 Tried to separate New England from the South Burgoyne vs Washington Burgoyne retreats and surrenders in Saratoga Victory gave French the hope they needed Treaty of Amity and Commerce Trading with France established French recognize us as independent country Treaty of

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