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Family Violence Abuse Typology one type may lead to another may be a trigger for a different type of abuse cohabitation has more violence lower educated more likely to cohabit Spousal Abuse wives more likely to kill in kitchen her area and knives death in the bedroom usually a result of an argument victims tend to be female due to differences in physical power husbands and wives attack in the same frequency The Battered Wife Syndrome victimization PROCESS situation in which some type of problem financial unemployment etc causes a spouse to become violent most likely husband other spouse is taken by surprise and abuse occurs next day honey moon phase I am so sorry blahblahblah women experiences dilemma of wedding vows vs reality abuse is reality honey moon is only a phase the process of this up down pattern b w abuse and honey moon phase SOS same old shit the victim has trouble making sense of what is going on living this life is very conflicting and traumatic Double Re socialization have to change socialization from being a wife to being a victim of a crime offender will cut all relationships of the victim with the outside world likely people who are poorly educated common belief I will do better he can change person become isolated from outside no way to intervene family private matter domestic case only time when victim begin to do something is when they begin to see the kids are in danger at risk or when family says we will take care of you protect you will no be alone authorities have to step in press charges restraining orders has to realize no longer spouse but a criminal has to gain self esteem again over time Re socialization from a victim to a person can happen to men too not many cases to study men are less likely to admit wives more likely to verbally abuse their husband net work of support key factor to healing What does this syndrome tell you men still hold power in our society power granted to men by both genders violence is never a sign of love neutralization becoming use to the up and down pattern he s sorry I deserved it reduces guilt poverty is not cause but it is a component family is an important support network however many family members get very annoyed community resources long term care agencies lacking Catalysts for Change traditional vs nontraditional women do not want to stay in a relationship they are subordinated in positive vs negative self concept adequate finances support network Sexual Abuse marital rape incest parental relative acquaintance less than 5 of rapes are reported majority of rapes occur b w people who know each other Poverty and Family Violence Violence varies across social classes highest rates low income unemployed husband less education above average number of children blue collar workers no religious affiliation under 30 years old Heredity Children who are abused are more likely to become abusers research does not follow children however abusers are only asked about their pasts not all abused children become abusers Oprah Is child abuse a symptom of poverty Long Term Policy contraceptive services Women with education tend to be initiator of divorce Separation emotional VS physical both do not have to happen Legal Divorce separation of assets co custody of children Divorce likely to lead women to poverty only 8 risk for men Single Parenting difficult to fulfill all roles Divorce can cause conflict between spouses to escalade The Sleeper Effect kosher research ask divorced spouses if their parents were divorced more likely to divorce if your parents were divorced Coercive Cycle for parent if you do not do this I will let you not see the children etc one parent parenting have to do everything majority of those who divorce get remarried however some people never have the chance to marry once due to poverty Multicultural Activity Assessment 5 anything goes in the family not supported by research however there are norm American family represents diversity however there I always a preferred family form with advantages in ideology Family Norms opposites found on slide homogamy interracial opposite sex marriage DOMA marriage is b w man and woman married couple vs cohabitation nuclear requires marriage family households Diversity vs Preferred awareness of differences evaluation of differences unequal treatment children aware of differences differences have different values diversity can mean unequal treatment Social Class dire economic circumstances reduce one s chances of marriage regardless of race ethnicity and gender more resources more likely to marry makes you more attractive stats slide single will never marry different stats can be explained by looking at class healthy fiances more chances to date and marry women with financial stability are less likely to marry down men are more likely to never marry do not have means lower levels of earnings and eduction increases chances to cohabitat for mn and women higher earnings and education allows women to do less housework in marriage and cohabitation whites marry more asians more likely to marry than latinos and blacks blacks are least likely to marry the likelihood of blacks to marry is one and a half times the likelihood of whites white singes are more likely that any other group to live alone 95 of marriage of people occur within the same race 2 3 of latinos marriages are intra racial black women are more likely to marry or cohabit with black males white black intermarriages are least frequent given group size black women experiencing marriage crunch limited number of potential AA male spouses we have historically changed definition of white always a majority by including more people middle class educated black males are more likely to marry than those with less education and earnings black males with lower education and income are more likely to cohabit 1 out of 5 interracial marriages involves a black blacks least likely to interracial marriage 1 out of 3 latino spouse only 4 of young adults against interracial marriage second shift black women experience double jeopardy in the marriage market education opens doors for marriage but narrows options in race Love and Marriage Inequality benefits of love Same Sex Marriage USSC Supreme Court how will it effect the American family if definition of marriage is changed DOMA Change vs No Change Slide Dr Lessan s Predictions increase interracial marriages and children improve in health benefits due to increase chance of marriage equal gender

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FSU SYO 3100 - Family Violence

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