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Chapter 1 Key Terms 1 Allan Pinkerton became the first detective of the Chicago Police Department in 1849 2 Alphonse Bertillon The founder of criminal identification by body measurement in addition to being instrumental in the development of forensic science He reasoned that a foolproof method of identification should be based on physical characteristics that are unchanging and not susceptible to alteration 3 Anthropometry Developed by Alphonse Bertillon in the late nineteenth century the study and comparison of body measurements as a means of criminal identification A method of identification on the uniqueness of the human frame By this method the human body was measured in 11 key places The 4 most important ones measured were height trunk reach and left foot 4 Bill of rights in 1791 the Bill of Rights the first ten amendments of the Constitution was directed toward federal law enforcement agencies The first ten amendments to the Constitution Guarantee personal rights Particular importance to criminal investigation include the Fourth Amendment search and seizure Fifth Amendment obtaining information and confessions Sixth Amendment assistance of counsel 5 Bow Street Runners Established by Henry Fielding in 1748 a group of volunteer nonuniformed homeowners who helped catch thieves in London by rushing to crime scenes and beginning investigations thus acting as the first modern detective force By 1785 some were paid government detectives 6 CID Criminal Investigation Department Established in London in 1878 a centralized organization of detectives responsible for investigating crimes located at Scotland Yard but to correct internal abuses kept separate from the Metropolitan Police 7 Criminalistics or forensic science The application of scientific disciplines such as geology physics chemistry biology and mathematics to criminal investigation and the study of physical evidence 8 Detective Introduced in 1853 in Charles Dickens novel Bleak House published in 1853 The first recorded appearance in print of the word specifically designating an investigative law enforcement officer 9 Eug ne Vidocq Criminal turned Paris investigator 10 Fourteenth Amendment Added in 1868 requires that no state shall deprive any person of life liberty or property without due process of law nor deny the equal protection of the laws 11 Industrial Revolution 12 Jonathan Wild 14 Modus operandi 13 Metropolitan Police Act Metropolitan Police the first centralized professional police force in Britain which soon became the international model of professional policing 1829 An act of Parliament that created the London 15 Parliamentary reward system expenses of prosecutors and witnesses in an attempt to stop the floodtide of crime This concept attached financial rewards to various felony crimes The govt in England placed a system for refunding 16 Polygraph A mechanical device that records physiological changes that occur in a person while he or she is being questioned with deviations from normal readings indicating deception can be used only with subject s voluntary consent Also called lie detector 17 Portrait parl or speaking picture aided the police in identifying individuals by providing detailed descriptions of the human head and features Was an outgrowth of Bertillon s anthropometrical system 18 Thief taking Thief catching 19 Thomas Byrnes 20 Will West case A 1903 incident in which two criminals with the same name identical appearances and nearly identical measurements were distinguished only by fingerprints thus significantly advancing the use of fingerprints for identification in the United States Review Questions 1 Explain the importance that Sir Robert Peel had on modern policing Known as the father of modern policing Instrumental in the creation of the Metropolitan Police Act which created the London Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard in 1829 2 Who was Alan Pinkerton America s foremost detective Known as America s Founder of Criminal Investigation First detective of the Chicago Police Department in 1849 Opened a private detective agency in the early 1850s the North Western Police Agency 3 Describe the role of the FBI Significant contributions to the overall development of criminal investigation Created a national identification file in Washington D C Uniform Crime Reports Bulletin Index Crimes tracked Crime laboratories Leaders in investigative competence 4 Define criminalistics Firearm Toolmark Identification Forensic Imaging Questioned Document Field Response AFIS Contributors to Criminalistics Juan Vucetich Fingerprint classification Francis Galton Dactylography Fingerprint Identification Edward Richard Henry Devised a fingerprint classification system Arthur Conan Doyle Karl Landsteiner Wrote fiction depicting Sherlock Holmes Agglutination of human blood blood types Calvin H Goddard Forensic ballistics Hans Gross Robert Heindl Edmond Locard Founded the Institute of Criminalistics Coined Every contact leaves a trace Rudolph Reiss Forensic photography Wrote field handbook for criminal investigation Witness perception and reliability he wrote a book that classified tire patterns Harry Soderman August Vollmer Wrote Modern Criminal Investigation Concepts in police organization and administration Supervised Larson in developing the polygraph Founded crime labs in Chicago and St Louis Wrote Crime Investigation Physical Evidence and the Police Laboratory Paul L Kirk Alec Jeffreys Discovered DNA profiling Chemistry Physics Biology Mathematics 5 What is forensic science The application of natural science to the detection of crime Scientifically trained investigators function as a liaison between specialized scientists and police officials There are over 300 public crime labs in the U S today 6 Explain the importance of the constitution on criminal investigations 7 What is the exclusionary rule Reasons for public demands for governmental measures to control crime in eighteenth century England Population growth in the cities Growth of slums in the cities Industrial Revolution The Bow Street Runners were Londoners that hurried to the scenes of reported crimes and began investigations Which American city passed an ordinance establishing America s first paid daylight police force Philadelphia Which of the following are among the recorded achievements of the Pinkerton detective agency Discovering and foiling an assassination attempt on President Elect Lincoln Which of the following were instituted by Chief Detective

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