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PUR3000 TEST 2 CH 9 PUBLIC OPINION PERSUASION What is public opinion Public opinion is elusive not monolithic and extremely difficult to measure Public opinion is small numbers Only small number of people at any given time take part in public opinion But once public opinion an issue gets publicity public opinion creates its own momentum Declining to express an unpopular position on a controversial issue is often a part of a spiral of Spiral of silence silence Public opinion up close Collection of views held by persons interested in an issue The sum of an individual opinions on an issue affecting those individuals One factor that influences public opinion self interest Self interest is a strong link o People who are interested have vested self interest in an issue o Opinion is determined by self interest o When self interest is involved opinion is not easily changed Another factor events Highly sensitive to events Public opinion does not anticipate events its reacts to them Events trigger public attention Major events may swing opinion temporarily Opinion leaders characteristics Highly interested in issues Better informed than most Avid consumers of media Early adopters of new ideas Good organizers influence others Kind of opinion leaders Formal hold status or position elected officials Informal have clout because of some characteristics Oprah Mass media influence Minimal influence on electoral choices o Voters rely on person to person Do not bring about rapid influence Do set agendas May influence if not other information known or available Two step flow theory PR to media Media to opinion leaders Opinion leaders to general public Framing theory selecting facts themes words to slant a story Began with journalists Conflict theory Controversial may shape public opinion Conflict theory in practice Escalation strategy stir conflict to gain positive standing Persuasion influencing public opinion Formalized as concept 2 000 years ago by Greeks Used rhetoric the art of using language effectively and persuasively to educated Persuasion today An activity or process in which a communicator attempts to induce a change in the belief attitude or behavior of another through the transmission of a message in a context in which the target has some degree of free choice PR as a PERSUADER Advocate pr is persuasive communicator on behalf of our clients Pr uses a variety of spending techniques but still uses feedback PR uses persuasion to Change neutralize hostile opinions most difficult to overcome Crystallizing hidden and positive attitudes Conserve favorable opinions Factors Audience analysis knowledge of audiences characteristics beliefs concerns and analysis helps persuade Psychographics tool that classifies by lifestyle attitudes and beliefs Audience classification Source credibility Message is more believable if source has credibility Based on o Expertise of messenger o Sincerity o Charisma or attractiveness Celebrities as messengers Problems o Too many who endorses what o Overexposure o Endorsers negative actions Maslows Hierarchy of Needs 1 Physiological 2 Safety 3 Love and belonging 4 Esteem 5 Self actualization Self interest all important the public pays attention to issues or messages that appeal to their psychological or economic needs public wants something in return Factors in persuasive tactics Clarity most persuasive messages are direct simple and have one primary idea ex Ads Success also depends upon Timing and context support of environment right context Audience participation involved in solution and success Content Structure of message Make a message more persuasive with o Drama get attention with graphic story o Statistics impress o Surveys and polls independent Other ways to persuade READ IN BOOK Examples help visualize Testimonials explicit of implied Endorsements 3rd party Emotional galvanize or backfire don t like to feel responsible Propaganda Originates 17th century Deliberate and systematic attempt to shape perceptions to achieve a response Connotes falsehood lies decent disinformation duplicity Propaganda techniques Plain folks humble beginnings Testimonial builds credibility Bandwagon join everyone Card stacking select facts data Transfer select person product etc with high status Glittering generalities freedom justice democracy Limitation of persuasion Lack of penetration not pervasive Completing messages no message comes in a vacuum Self selection people wanted least likely to be there Self perception predisposition already formulated opinions CH 10 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Responsibility of PR To influence the course of conflict to benefit the organization Using PR to influence the course of the conflict is Strategic Conflict Management Competition vs Conflict Competition when 2 or more groups vie for the same resources Conflict when 2 groups aim the efforts against each other Developing strategies and processes to influence the course of conflicts to benefit employees Strategic Conflict Management Components of SCM Strategic achieving objectives Management planned deliberate action Competition striving for same object Conflict sharp disagreement with threat attack from another Muscular Public Relations Usually PR builds mutually beneficial relationships aimed at success In conflict companies compete for limited resources Stages of conflict Conflict may simmer Be handled at early stages Or ignored until media seizes it look at pg 254 Strategies in managing conflict Reduce part of crisis management Escalate conflict for activists purposes Organization must take a stance stance determines strategy PR Relative to stances Monitor for threats Assessing threats Arriving at stance Communicating from a stance Conflict Management Life Cycle Every problem or issue has a life cycle that business must track 4 phases of conflict management 1 Proactive opportunity to act to prevent conflict from getting out of hand 2 Strategic phase emerging conflict identified needs action o a risk communication convey dangers threats until it escalates to crisis o b conflict positioning positions organization favorable anticipate court of public opinion 3 Reactive phase when critical of impact is reached PR must react to events o Implement crisis management plan o Conflict resolution when conflict has emerged but is not out of control use techniques to bring a favorable solution 4 Recovery phase after crisis subsides repairs reputation image Litigation Public Relations Conflict brings organization

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