Test 3 Fad 4265 Chapter 10 Family Violence o The family as a haven It can be a have from an uncaring impersonal world and a place where serenity love and scrutiny prevail Family is a common context for violence in society People are more likely to be killed physically assaulted sexually victimized hit beat up or spanked in their own homes by their family than anywhere else in our society o Research on family violence is fairly new however the act of family violence is as old as the family itself Since 1970s that family violence began to be viewed as a social problem in the U S o Difficulties in studying violence Because we prefer to picture the family as an arena for love and gentleness rather than a place of violence yet the facts of family life in the U S society can t be ignored o Why are we so violent Poverty The links between disadvantage and violence are strongest for the poorest and more neglected of the poor Economic inequality Leads to higher rates of violent crimes Racial and ethnic discrimination Leads to higher rates of violent crimes o The family is a microcosm of the larger society and its therefor influenced by it o Is violence okay Of course not however violence is legitimized If not supported in our society Right to own guns 240 million of them 250 million gins are owned by U S citizens Not limited for the rights to own a gun in the U S and easily available Corporal punishment using physical force to change behavior Widely used by U S parents and legal in all states Has become controversial with 24 countries banning it altogether Education teachers had the right to use corporal punishment in 1977 o Use of a paddle in schools o Only permitted in U S and Australia o A wide spread of people want to ban this punishment Sports contacts sports and physical aggression The sport with the largest budget and most participation is boy s football Heavy contact sports are organized around violence By applying lessons learned in sports athletes may perceive violence and intimidation as acceptable means of achieving off the field goals and solving problems unrelated to sports Religion also supports violence NFL New Orleans Saints Long term injuries o Violence in the media Television and movies violence is glorified in the movies and on TV by the age 18 the average American child will have seen 16 000 simulated murders and 200 000 acts of violence Exposure to media violence can link to negative outcomes in children and act more aggressive in adulthood Pornography the widespread of pornography is believed to encourage male dominance The central feature of pornography is the conflation of sex and violence Music popular music celebrate violence particularly rap And it contempt for women and legal authority Video games the theme of many video games is violence They have become increasingly interactive and incredibly realistic Some of the games are so effective in teaching how to kill that the army uses them to train soldiers Literature and folklore violence has always been a dominant theme in American literature and folklore Children stories and nursery rhymes are often quite violent The media provides continues evidence that the use of violence is acceptable in this society o Intimate partner violence IPV Most commonly defined as violence between married cohabitating and dating couples in the form of beating slapping kicking and rape is relatively common in U S society Methodological issues o How is violence defined Hard to define also referred to as wife abuse It varies based on both who is included within category of intimate partners and what actions are defined as abusive o Who does the sample include and exclude in terms of sexual orientation and relationship status Some focus on married couple while others exclude dating couples Some include same sex partners while other does not Some researchers define domestic violence to include emotional abuse and threats of physical or sexual violence in addition to physical harm o Social desirability respondent only report UNDER REPORTED o IPV is both a pervasive problem and a serious public health concern in the U S For the purposes of this class the focus is on violence against women o 33 million Americans have been victims of IPV o Violence against women It is impossible to know exact numbers Usually there are not witnesses except family members Generally takes place in private homes Battered women are often treated by medical professionals who fail to inquire deeply into the cause of their injuries Victims and perpetrators commonly lie about their injuries Many victims don t go to public agencies for help About 22 of women report IPV Women are the victims 8 to 10 of the time Native American and blacks report significantly higher rates than other racial groups o Social class and Intimate partner violence Research has found direct correlations between IPV and social class IPV is more likely in love SES families o Why the outcome of stresses of poverty or lack of resources Implications for women experiencing victimization o Pile up stressor which associated with inadequate resources o Inside the Box The traditions of many native cultures in the U S have strong taboos against spouse childe or elder abuse but a variety of circumstances have at least partially contributed to ta breakdown of the traditions The gap of generational teaching caused by forced attendance at boarding schools the rise of alcohol and drug abuse rampant unemployment the growing presence of TV and radio and the migration of family members away from the homeland contributes to high rates of violence against native American women and children o Race and ethnicity Rates of intimate partner violence against women 15 Asian American 23 Hispanic 25 white 29 African American 31 native American Women of color have higher rates of poverty and it seems heightened susceptibility to abuse What is more important race or SES SES is more important when it comes to violence Poor and minority families are overrepresented o Correlated factors Alcohol abuse Occupation spillover The most common trait associated with violence toward women in IPV The problem with assuming relationship between alcohol abuse and partner abuse is that the relationship is not casual but contributory Spillover is the transfer of moods feelings and behaviors between work and family setting The relationship between men s occupation and domestic violence is extremely related to spillover 4 to 10 police families
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