Key Black Study Guide PPT s Red Important for the exam Blue Catie s in class review Survey design and construction Chapter 7 Open ended and close ended questions o Advantages Disadvantages Open ended Questions is when the respondent is asked to provide his or her own answer Disadvantages problematic to code leaves room for misunderstanding and You give them space to answer freely Advantages allows the subject free expression better data more in depth researcher bias information Closed ended question the respondent is asked to select an answer from among a list provide by the researcher Advantages more uniform responses easily processed Disadvantages limits the subject might not be mutually exclusive or exhaustive Making items clear o Know all the various ways that were discussed for how to make your survey questions clear to respondents avoiding double barreled questions avoiding ambiguity etc Know all the various ways that were discussed for how to make your survey questions clear to respondents avoiding double barreled questions avoiding ambiguity etc Avoid double barrel questions two questions in one Make your questions clear Avoid jargon and slang Avoid prestige bias Avoid leading questions crime is a leading problem in the US What do you think is a You don t want to rely on people s interpretation Avoid false pretentions Strozier isn t open enough hours do you agree with problem in our country opening it 3 more hours a day Avoid unbalanced response options strongly agree agree neutral strongly disagree you don t give them a chance to disagree Short items are best Avoid Negative item negatives particular way are biased report crime questions in general population surveys Designing self reports items Biased items and terms do you think that this is not a problem yes or no Avoid double for ex questions that encourage respondents to answer in a social desirability is one of the problems that plagues self Designing self report items o Question Ordering Just use logic when ordering your questions clearly written If you re going to be doing your survey in person you put demographic questions first so they get to know you better and they re comfortable If you re not in person people need to be interested from the start 2 o Social Desirability of questions and answers whenever we ask people for information they answer through a filter of what will make them look good happens more often in person People will answer what they think you want to hear Questionnaire Construction o Contingency and Matrix Questions Contingency the subsequent questions in series whether they are to be asked and answered is contingent on the response to the first question in the series Have you ever been arrested Yes or no if yes how many times Your answer to this question is contingent to the first question of the series Matrix Questions Asking several questions that have the same set of answers Generate a respondents use a likert scale agree disagree o Answer all the same o Like Christmas tree ing Advantages it uses space efficiently respondents probably find it easier to complete a set of questions presented in this fashion last this format may increase the comparability for the responses given to different questions for the respondents as well as for the researcher Disadvantages generate response set o Ordering self administered vs interviews ABOVE You are not going to ask obvious questions to a person you are interviewing in person o Pretesting you can pre test a small group 0f your sample to see if your study is reliable Pretest your questionnaire so you can get rid of all problems Small sample group Types of surveys o Comparisons between the different types o Self Administered Surveys Written surveys require minimum resources staff time and cost and are best suited to eliciting confidential information Minimal interviewer and respondent measurement errors due to the absence of direct contact Advantages o By far the cheapest o Can be conducted by a single researcher o Easy to offer anonymity o Avoids interviewer bias Disadvantages o Can have a low response rate Generally cheaper than interview surveys Allow visual data Highest level anonymity o Face to face Are best for complex questionnaires and other specialized needs Can capture verbal inflexion gestures and other body language of respondents Most interview surveys require more than one interviewer Allow visual data o Telephone interviews Advantage of speed of data collection while supporting longer instruments than mail surveys and supporting open ended responses though not as well as face to face interviewing 3 Moderate control over interviewer bias since interviewers follow predetermined protocols and there is high control over respondent interaction with others during the interview Advantages About 95 of the population can be reached by telephone Works quickly and efficiently Staff of interviewers can interview 1 500 respondents across the nation in a few days With callbacks response rates can reach 90 Has many of the advantages of face to face but with half the cost Disadvantages Limited to those that own land line telephones Unable to reach those who do not own homes Sampling problem of unlisted numbers o Random digit dialing has reduced this problem o Telemarketing o Possibility of dialing businesses Increasing number of cell phone only households Fast and low cost CATI Computer Assisted Telephone Interview Accuracy Allows for complex sets of contingency questions Speed o Internet web based Allow visual data Disk Based Now virtually obsolete Online Email Surveys Respondents load questionnaire from a disk key in responses and either mail disk back or transmit information electronically E mail messages include questions can be embedded Respondents asked to open an attached file or the respondents directed to another web page o Example survey monkey or qualtrics Field research Chapter 8 Qualitative paradigms o Inductive vs deductive Inductive starting with observation and then your draw a theory Qualitative research is inductive Deductive starting with a theory and them moving to the field o Grounded theory Qualitative researchers usually start with little more than a general research question Allows the theory to evolve throughout observation They are open to change and often change the direction of the project or even entirely drop their original research question They allow their theory to evolve throughout their observations They meshes
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