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PUR 3000 Dr W Gerry Gilmer Exam 1 Chapter 1 What is PR 1 The management communication function that evaluates public opinions identifies policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest and plans and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and patience a Not about the sale 2 Key Words of PR definition feedback a Deliberate intentionally influences gains understanding provides information and obtains b Planned systematic and requires research analysis c Performance performing not just labeling d Public interest must be responsive to the public consider concerns and interests with e Two way communications must solicit feedback PR people make sure it does and pass it on f Management function PR is most effective when PR person is part of the highest decision programs to management making upper management 3 Titles a Corporate communications b Public information affairs c Marketing communication d University donor relations 4 Negative connotation 5 R A C E a Research a Flack 1939 synonym for press agent b spin was originally a positive term meaning to put a positive slant on an event 1 What is the situation what problem needs to be solved 2 Do not ask people closest to the program b Action of Planning 1 Plan to do something about the problem c Communication 1 Implementing plan d Evaluation 1 Did we reach intended audience 6 Public Relations vs Journalism vs Advertising Public Relations many tactics advocates openly tell public we are advocating segments audience many channels uncontrolled but free many media some internal to promote image 70 of consumers place more weight on publicity because they get it from gatekeepers Journalism reporting editorial informs public mass audience one channel mainly newspapers Advertising paid and controlled mass media external to sell advertising s main disadvantage is cost 7 PR vs Marketing functions overlap and both deal with a An organizations relationships b Employ similar communication tools but approach is different marketing is still more concerned with selling c PR builds relationships and goodwill 8 PR Terms a Third party endorsement ex iPhone commercial is less convincing than PR column in USA b Media gatekeeper c IMC Integrated Marketing Communication combines advertising direct response sales promotions and public relations 9 IMC purpose why a Downsizing of organizations less expensive b Avoiding the high cost of advertising has led to tighter budgets 1 Use buzz ex iPhone Segway i Buzz enlisting influences or trend setters to spread the word c Advertising 10 Essential skills for a PR practicioner a Good writing b Counseling know how Chapter 2 The Evolution of Public Relations 1 2 3 4 5 Edward Bernays father of modern public relations a Came from WWI committee trying to gain public support for the war Publics concept a PR is about dealing with multiple publics Stakeholders a Have a stake in what s going on in the company Committee of Correspondence a Revolutionary War committee relied on writing to gain support PR s Ancient Roots a 1800 BC in Iraq where farm bulletins brochures to help farm and grow grass better of latest technology where shared 1 Publicize pharaohs release of pharaohs accomplishments ancient Egypt B C 1 Olympic games used promotional techniques for athletes 1 Julius Caesar was the first politician to publish a book Commentaries and later rallied public support of wars as emperor b Rosetta Stone c Ancient Greece d Ancient Rome Middle Ages e Roman Catholic Church f 1 Pope Urban III persuaded thousands to serve God Pope Gregory XV coined the term propaganda meant propagate faith and train priests 1 Propaganda positive term meaning information 2 Recently turned into questionable material what is the source Early America a American Revolution 1 Colonists tried to persuade King George III 2 Coined slogans no taxation without representation 3 First publicity stunt was Boston Tea Party 4 Committees of Correspondence were organized early Associated Press to disseminate anti British information Early American a 1641 Harvard had a fund raising brochure b King s College Columbia issued the first news release in 1758 1800 s Press Agentry a Phineas T Barnum huckster said the public be fooled 1 Famous for getting unusual people for sideshow 2 Created pseudo event a planned happening that occurs primarily for the purpose of 6 7 8 9 being reported 3 Tom Thumb i Jenny Lind 4 Midget who could sing and dance i Singer from Europe who the public believed was the most beautiful woman in the world and wasn t But she was a beautiful singer b Amos Kendall 1 First press secretary 2 President Andrew Jackson s Kitchen cabinet c Davey Crockett killed a bear at the age of three 1 Subject for press agents 2 3 Part of a legend popular but not true 4 Press agents get publicity for celebrities they are not well liked The West in the 1800s a Publicity promotion used to populate Western U S b American railroads used press agentry and publicity 1 Here is became a somewhat negative term because of deceit Industrial Revolution after the Civil War a Robber Barons industry run by selfish profit makers public be damned b Muckrakers journalists who attacked robber barons in media and focused on scandalous operation of big business 1900 s 1950 s a Pioneers of early PR made up of mostly former journalists b First PR agency c Publicity Bureau Boston 1900 d George Parker and Ivy Lee opened publicity office in 1905 1 Ivy Lee sometimes called the father i 10 11 12 Opened the first PR counsel declaration of principles truth accuracy rather than agentry Wanted to be accurate Two way communication Positioning is changing a person s mind and how they think about the brand Examples are positioning Michellin tires as the safest e Henry Ford 1 First to use positioning ii iii i ii f Teddy Roosevelt 1901 1909 1 Master of generating publicity 2 First to use news conferences i Associate Teddy with teddy bears g Bernay s career father of modern PR 1 Began as a publicist in 1913 2 Nephew of Sigmund Freud used behavioral psychology to manipulate 3 Wrote Crystallizing Public Opinion 4 Started education in PR first course was in 1923 5 Pioneered counseling h Doris E Fleshman first distinguished female practitioner 1 Recruited by Bernay s and married 13 1950 2000 a PR became firmly established b WWII brought rapid growth building big business back c Growth of urban population industries getting bigger baby boomer population 1

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