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FAD4265 Study Guide Test 3 Chapter 10 Media Violence and Violence Television and movies increased aggressive behavior linked to media violence Pornography encourages male dominance Music the lyrics celebrate violence and contempt for women and legal authority Video games theme for most games is violence Literature and folklore violence cannot be directly blamed on the media but media violence is socially significant to society and it provides evidence that the use of violence is acceptable in this society Violence and the Social Organization of the Family the way the family is organized encourages conflict it is a power system power is unequally distributed between parents and children and between spouses where male is typically dominant threats to male dominance are often resisted through violence the greater the inequality the greater the power increase risk of violence the family encompasses almost EVERYTHING unlike most organizations so there are more events over which a dispute can develop The lengthy interactions with one another increase violence The range of activities are greater in the family and feelings are more intense Family privacy increase violence because it keeps members from the protection society can provide and prevents victims from seeking help Intimate Partner Violence difficult to define includes rape physical assault and stalking perpetuated by current and former spouses cohabiting partners and dating partners 33 million Americans have been victims of intimate partner violence 1 3 million women and 800 000 men both women and men are victims but 80 of the time it s the woman Context of Intimate Partner Violence Social Class more likely to occur in low income low ses families poverty men s unemployment lack of economic resource Race and Ethnicity Native Americans highest percentage women of color have higher rates of power so higher rates of abuse Structural and cultural factors shape abuse because they could see it differently Individual and Relational Characteristics Alcohol abuse is most common trait associated with abuse towards women Occupation affects violence A violent occupation is correlated with partner violence spillover Inadequacy of male partners including financial difficulties etc which is mainly due to male feeling inferior to wife s achievements Emotional abuse can escalate to violence Family history of abuse where exposure to violence as a child may put one at risk to involvement in violent intimate relationships as adult but most adults DO NOT become violent adults Spouse Abuse Risk Factors associated with wife beating 1 Male unemployed 2 Male uses illicit drugs 3 Male and female have different religious backgrounds 4 Male saw father hit mother 5 Male and female are cohabiting rather than married partners 6 Male has blue collar occupation if employed 7 Male has some high school education 8 Male is between 18 and 30 years of age 9 Male or female uses severe violence toward children in home 10 Total family income is below the poverty line Reasons why the extent of women abuse in domestic settings is impossible to pin down accurately take place in private with no witnesses women often treated by medical professionals who fail to find out the cause of their injuries victims commonly lie about their injuries in shame fear or to protect partners many do not go to public agencies for help because they have found these organizations to be unresponsive Types of Partner Violence 1 2 Situational Couple Violence Intimate Terrorism almost exclusively perpetuated by men characterized by attempt to completely dominate a partner using power and control tactics Much more frequent and severe power and control by the man wheel perpetuated by both men and women but mainly men and that occurs when a couple s conflicts escalate to violence While both the man and woman are victims the effects on women are still significantly stronger Eight Types of Violence in the Power and Control Wheel 1 Intimidation making her afraid by using looks actions gestures smashing things abusing pets etc 2 Threats threats to do something to her to leave to commit suicide if she leaves making her do illegal things etc 3 Emotional Abuse putting her down making her think she s crazy calling 4 her names etc Isolation controlling what she does where she goes using jealousy to justify actions 5 Blaming includes denying and minimizing saying the abuse didn t happen making light of the abuse saying she caused it 6 Using children making her feel guilty about the kids using children to relay messages 7 Using male privilege treating her like a servant making all the big decisions acting like the master of the house 8 Using Economic abuse taking her money preventing her from getting a job not letting her have access to family income giving her allowance Why do women stay with their abusers Fear leaving could increase the danger of her and her children fear of being alone highest percentage Hope and Love convinced their husband will change The three most commonly cited factors for not leaving involve hope and love mate promised to change was the highest reason women stay Self Blame they blame themselves for his abuse He made her feel like it was her fault Economic Dependency the lack of marketable skills and jobs often trap women They fear husband wont pay child support Do mothers or fathers have higher rates of child abuse Why 57 were women and 42 were men mothers have higher rates of child abuse Why women more likely than men to be in stressful economic situations the differences in time actually spent with the children the pronatalist bias in society belief that a women s primary fulfillment in life is motherhood pushes women to have children they do not want How are the Women s Movement and the Battered Women s Shelter Movement associated with anti violence in different ways Women s Movement believe that therapy will not work without considering the issues of gender inequality and gender subordination Focus on changing society to bring sexual equity before the law equal pay for equal work and the end of oppression of women in all areas of society Has been successful Battered Women s Shelter Movement women s groups and church groups formed sanctuaries for battered women and their children after they escaped an abusive home Provide protection food clothing etc Domestic Violence in Same Sex Relationships rates of physical and sexual violence in homosexual couple just as high as heterosexual

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