Study Guide Exam 2 final version This study guide is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible items on the test However it is helpful in identifying key points and terms from the lectures and readings assigned for this exam Chapters 5 6 7 8 and 9 plus assigned articles Main concepts from Race The Power of An Illusion know about the differences between and within groups and the concept of studying populations instead of races o Explains the myths meanings and importance of racial differences in the United States o An overview of prejudices political economic cultural aspects of race o It questions the very idea of race as biology suggesting that a belief in race is no sounder than believing that the sun revolves around the earth o Race helps shape life chances outcomes o Examines the science biology of race how race came to be in America how race lies in politics economics culture Also how social institutions shape what we view as race today Eugenics and the history of structural racism through the social construction of opposing races in US Hypodescent rule o The Hypodescent rule determines the racial identity of people with mixed race backgrounds that is an individual is always assigned the status of the subordinate group o This is also known as the one drop rule ex if you add one drop of black paint to a can of white paint it is no longer considered white though today some ethnic groups informally establish identity in a different way o In the 2000 census the government decided NOT to add a multiracial category to official forms Instead if adopted a policy allowing people to identify themselves on the census as members of more than one race The new guidelines specify that those who check white and another category will be counted as members of the minority group Many sociologists disagree with this method o Also a resolution was passed by the American Anthro Association that stated differentiating species into biologically defined race has proven meaningless and insignificant What are the problems with the umbrella groups ethnic and racial terms used to categorize people o The following are listed as umbrella groups African Americans Hispanics Though it is said this term is too inaccurate of an umbrella to use Asians Pacific Islander Native Americans o These groups tend to have limited access to certain things and are a target of prejudice They are often not properly correctly identified and therefore are misrepresented o These race categories are based more on social definitions than on biological differences Characteristics of the rising African American middle class wealth and wage gaps and poverty economic restructuring o 1 3 of African American Families are Middle class We measure this by wealth They are the most negatively portrayed o Black middle class is characterized by Owning their own home business Having a college degree o The unemployment rate for African Americans is twice that of Whites o Poverty rates are doubled that of the general population o Today s middle class African Americans have most likely experienced an upbringing in the lower class for middle aged and elderly adults o The realities of contemporary life including divorce unemployment lack of quality child care can sometimes limit their ability to live up to the values associated with their class standing o The African American middle class is growing faster than any other racial group Reasons for the Decline in marriage among African Americans o African Americans now marry later than any other major ethnic group Half of all African American adults are married o Many of African American women wait later to marry or sometimes never marry due to focusing on their schooling and career They feel that they are able to support themselves and live independently o Today there are more African American women attending and graduating college then African American Men Proving that these women are putting more time into their future career In addition to this perspective singles often look for mates with similar education and social status Since there are fewer men attending college than ever there is a smaller prospective pool to choose from Benefits of immigrant enclaves o An immigrant enclave can be described as a support system o Someone who lives in a foreign country for a while and gives support financial housing connections and advice to newcomers Mediating structures o A mid level social institution that moderates the public Ex Churches Court Houses o A form of diversity assimilation Migration and reception factors and how they affect assimilation and acceptance assistance example different waves of Cuban migration o Today the migration of new immigrants is viewed in a negative manner Americans often feel that incoming immigrants are taking their jobs living tax free etc o They often experience less downward mobility than people in smaller nuclear families o They tend to connect with extended family and assimilate through their assistance and knowledge Extended families help with housing employment food transportation and schooling o There are two types of Migration LABOR MIGRATION wanting people for labor POLITICAL MIGRATION immigrants fleeing escaping Melting pot assimilation o MELTING POT A metaphor popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that depicted U S society as a place where different ethnicities and nationalities would blend together to form a new cultural pattern o Although few people today desire a society where everyone looks or acts the same the pressure towards assimilation remains strong o ASSIMILATION the process by which members of minority groups change their own ways to conform to those of the dominant culture What is social class based on Income occupation and education o SOCIAL CLASS a group of people who share a similar position in society based on their wealth and income people having the same social economic or educational status o Distinguishes one groups pattern of behavior from another s and determines access to important resources and life chances Status group v class position status o STATUS GROUP A social group sharing the same lifestyle career and having the same o CLASS POSITION determined by a person s skills and education rather than by their relationship to the means of production Four major groups basic differences between them Also know the Working poor and underclass o UPPER CLASS Prestigious families that own vast amounts of property and
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