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BIOL 1108 Spring 2021 Exam 2 PLA Study Guide Here is a list of topics and concepts to study for the exam Anything in class quizzes videos extra assignments etc is fair game but here is a good amount of that stuff listed out Good luck Remember prioritizing is a skill Make sure you recognize what is important vs extraneous and allocate your time accordingly This is often done by looking at how much time space of slides or questions on a quiz worksheet was allocated to certain topics or skills throughout a unit Things that were mentioned in passing or things that showed up once in a Simbio for instance are highly unlikely to show up on an exam However things that have come up more than once even if the first time we covered them was last unit are likely to show up prominently on the exam Last thing While all of these concepts below are important to understand in isolation it s more important to understand how they go together Try the study strategy from last exam where you pull 2 things out of a hat and describe how they are related There is also the tendency to compartmentalize the content we learned into the ecosystem we learned it but photosynthesis is just as important to kelp forests as trophic levels are to the Sonoran desert One good way of studying might be to think of examples of many of these concepts in new ecosystems to make sure you know how they apply not just that you memorized them Sonoran Desert How do these plants grow and survive in this climate What strategies do they use to get important resources like energy and water How are there so many different types of plants here are they using different strategies Do they compete for resources How will desert plants be impacted by climate change in the future Evolution of Eukaryotes What is LUCA when did it exist Know the characteristics of eukaryotes vs prokaryotes Cyanobacteria When did they evolve What kind of metabolism do they have How are they a part of the Carbon Cycle Endosymbiosis Hypothesis Who is Lynn Margulis and what idea did she suggest What evidence is there for her theory What are the two membrane bound organelles and which one evolved first Know adaptations for too little water in particular This was more central to the Sonoran Be able to recognize adaptations for too little sunlight and too little nitrogen and understand how these adaptations solve the problems Plant Adaptations Desert Photosynthesis Where does plant biomass come from What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis What kind of microbial metabolism do plants use Understand plant cell anatomy and the location of photosynthesis within the plant cells Know chloroplast anatomy Thylakoid Lumen Stroma Light Reactions Know location and purpose What is chlorophyll and what does it do Photosystem II ETC Photosystem I ATP Synthase Know location and purpose What is RuBisCO and what does it do Fixation Reduction Regeneration Calvin Cycle Know the accounting what are the inputs and outputs of photosynthesis and it s components and where those things come from go Water in Plants Osmosis Where does the water move Turgid cells vs flaccid cells Understand diffusion and the concept of gradients Vascular tissue Gas Exchange Define xylem and phloem role function Adhesion and cohesion When are stomata open When are they closed What factors affect the rate of evaporation What is the fundamental tradeoff relationship that exists between stomata opening and photosynthesis What adaptations do desert plants have to deal with water loss Photorespiration Define photorespiration Understand how C4 and CAM photosynthesis are adaptations for hot dry weather and prevent photorespiration Trade offs Define water use efficiency WUE and relative growth rate RGR How are they related Why does this tradeoff exist What climatic conditions favor each and why Niche and Species Coexistence Competition Intraspecific vs interspecific What is the competitive exclusion principle and when does it apply Niche What is a niche Specialists vs generalists Realized vs fundamental niche Define niche partitioning Temporal Spatial Functional Climate Change in the Sonoran Desert Effects on precipitation How will organisms respond Will they adapt Move Die Fundamental vs realized niche How does niche partitioning influence biodiversity and coexistence How different conditions and competition limit an organism s niche How is biodiversity maintained through variable amounts of rain When water use efficiency is important vs when growth rate is important Laws of Thermodynamics Energy can be transferred or transformed but not created or destroyed Entropy of the universe increases with every energy transfer or transformation How do these relate to trophic levels and where energy is lost from foodchains How does heat relate to these concepts Oxidation Reduction Review OIL RIG Reduction gains electrons Gains Hydrogen Reduced molecules have lots of H s and lots of energy stored in bonds potential energy Oxidation loses electrons Loses Hydrogens Oxidized molecules have more Os and less energy stored in bonds potential energy Be able to identify molecules that are oxidized or reduced in the process of photosynthesis and understand why this happens

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