CPO3101 Final Exam Notes Public opinion Different models Why does Public opinion matter EU citizens preferences further integration and the lines of political conflict in the EU policy making Cleavage model national territory zero sum game and trans national socioeconomic Every time one country wins another country loses This is hardly the case with the EU The problem comes when countries Benicia more than others The transnational socioeconomic interests of like for example a farmer in France and Germany have closer interests for a policy than the farmer in France and a French corporate Titan Permissive consensus people do not have a strong opinion on EU policy and as such the people usually let their leaders do the policy making Eurobarometer survey distributed every 6 months in EU member state to gauge support for EU Maastricht treat in the early 1990s caused a drop in EU support because it established it formally National divisions determining if the states citizens support EU Lengthy membership states in EU longer than others tend to oppose EU National identity if you have a strong national attachment you support EU more than if you do not have a strong national attachment Economic gains did you benefit Also do you get more money from EU than you gave If so you support EU more than those who are losing money Information deficit more information you have the less you like EU only a 5 drop from mid 90s 2003 in countries like Ireland Austria Denmark and Sweden because they already had the info available there was a big drop in countries with little to no information after Maastricht treaty Parties and governments popularity and their positions on the EU integrations do you trust your own national government If so then you also trust EU more often than not Transnational conflicts in EU Class interest More supportive classes employers directors professionals Less support supportive classes skilled workers retired unemployed Class voting replaced by post materialist values environment women s and minorities rights age vs generational difference education religious differences intro of atheism and agnostics Catholics support EU more than prostesants Right left ideology Right likes equality of opportunity Left likes equality of outcomes Center is more pro EU than the left and right but it can carry by country to country Elites dilemma Elites support EU vs masses support 94 to 48 Elites will have to falsify their preferences toward EU Abandon consensus politics between the national elites When economy is bad people want to pull out of EU when it is better they want to stay Single market and regulatory policy Three types if economic policies Regulatory policies Expenditure policies Macroeconomic policies Regulatory policies Two policies redistribution vs efficiency Redistribution taxing the rich to give to the poor is an example of redistribution policy Hurts the rich helps the poor Efficiency does not necessarily hurt anyone but instead may help one more Regulatory policies are usually concerned with the protection of the public interest and they are meant to be used only to correct or prevent market failures Technical standards and consumer protection standards are regulatory policies Health and safety standards and environmental standards negative externalities Competition policies price collusion Industry regulators price controls Democratic parliaments and governments tend to favor policies that redistribute resources this highlights the need to independent institutions The normative approach governments and parliaments are more likely to get involved in redistribution vs economic theory of regulations supply and demand industry does not want more environmental regulations and are concentrated people on support of environmental regulation is diffused interest The need for some type of democratic institutional control lost criteria reports replace the head of the agency ect Deregulation policies The single market Single European act 1985 completing the internal market by 31 December 1992 Removal of physical barriers goods and persons Technical barriers Dijon ruling Movement of capital free flow of capital Fiscal barriers proposed harmonization of the value added tax European sales tax Obligation of every state to have at least a 15 sales tax Antitrust regulations covering the publicly owned industries so no one company gets a Regulation of state aids acts to restrict subsidizing a industry within a member state Merger control multiple companies coming together creates the threat of a monopoly Competition policy monopoly They make sure it is limited artificially keeping prices up Merger regulations 1989 European Commission deals with this business an appeal to the European general court or court of justice but it takes a long time to get your cases reviewed because the court is back logged with other cases Companies cannot own more than a certain percent of their own countries industry and cannot be more than a certain percent within the European Union There has been Deregulation in a large number of sectors such as air transport telecommunications electric supply and financial services No covered service integration and open method of coordination Re regulation policy Environmental policies Not an initial area if competence for the EU but that changes with the single European act Has more environmental laws than any other area Why so efficient normative and market failure principals stops free riding in regards to protecting the environment Social policy One of the Original objectives of the EU Charter in the fundamental rights treaty of Lisbon UK Poland Czech Republic Policies on workers rights are less about market failures and more about ideological preferences Most successful equality and nondiscrimination policies Social security country you are working win deals with your coverage Ala a UK citizen gets a job in Italy they get Italian social security coverage Why the different success of deregulatory vs regulatory policies Intergovernmental bargaining Product related standards information ingredients and how it is packaged and sold Process related standards how a good or service is going to be produced It is easier to get product related standards passed because there is a advantage to having a universal labeling When you regulate process standards it harms the states comparative advantage Institutional impact the preferences if the commission is the agenda setter and the ep
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