CTE 4443 Exam Review 02 15 2013 Quality control inspecting goods after production to separate acceptable from Quality unacceptable products Testing after the product is made From a holistic perspective quality is not the same for all things but is inherent in all objects and actions Product quality is represented by a total of a set of precise and measurable characteristics or components of a finished product Quality is achieved when products consistently fall within a range of acceptable measures for all dimensions of quality Products that meet this level of quality are assumed to produce the greatest income and profit for the company Quality reflects an ever changing marketplace and satisfies the ever changing needs of the customer in the market Why we test for quality Companies and their employees need to understand how quality affects organizations standard practices within organizations consumer behavior and market competition One way to be sure quality is the best is through textile testing Textile Testing Laboratory Testing accelerated testing Evaluating characteristics or performance of materials using standard procedures in a Quickly assess material and product characteristics and performance specialized facility Advantages Quick results Environment is controlled Uses specialized equipment Uses trained specialists Disadvantages Advantages More realistic Simulates actual use May not be true to actual conditions of use Wear Testing Wear testing is conducted over a long period of time and simulates actual use Product put to use or worn by consumers Provides info not available by any other process Helps refine product characteristics dimensions and features Helps product development specialists understand target market use and expectations Correct problems with products Continually improve products with input from target market Disadvantages Long term commitment Expensive Conditions not controlled Some participants disappear or drop out Some products destroyed by participants Some participants do not fulfill requirements for product use and care Standardized Testing Conditions 70 2o F 21 1oC 65 2 RH relative humidity Criteria standardized testing Simplicity easy to read and understand Reproducibility reproducible with respect to user time and location Validity duplicates or simulates actual end use situation Why we use standard test methods To insure reliability For reproducibility ability to repeat process with same or very similar results For accuracy agreement between true value of property being tested and average of many observations made according to test method by many observers Moisture Regain amount of water in material determined under prescribed conditions Moisture Equilibrium condition reached by specimen when it no longer takes up moisture from or gives up moisture to surrounding atmosphere Reasons For Testing Manufacturers ensure that materials processes and products meet requirements Retailers ensure that products they buy meet expectations for performance size fit and Companies assess material characteristics and performance and product quality consistency Testing Organizations Who Does the Testing Suppliers the company that supplies the product to the retailer In house the company that produces the product Independent or contract a separate business organization that specifically tests materials and products for other companies Organizations American Association of Textile Chemist and Colorists AATCC Tests chemical properties of textiles American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM Test physical mechanical properties International Organization for Standardization ISO Based in Geneva Switzerland Serves member organizations throughout the world Has a member from each country the member from the U S is ANSI The ISO coordinates efforts among different countries to develop standard test methods that can be applied internationally American Society for Quality ASQ services and related factors Organization of professionals who work to improve the quality of manufactured goods Developed code of ethics publishes a newsletter on Q that includes articles related to quality American Apparel and Footwear Association AAFA National organization that deals with issues of interest to the sewn products industry As the national trade association representing apparel footwear sewn products companies and their suppliers AAFA promotes and seeks to enhance members companies competitiveness productivity and profitability in the global marketplace American National Standards Institute ANSI Represents the U S member body in the ISO The purpose of ANSI is to coordinate voluntary standards development and use in the U S and to serve as liaison between U S standards organizations and other countries Standards A set of characteristics or procedures that provide a basis for resource and production decisions Something that is established by authority custom or general consent Standard Test Methods widely accepted test method performed under controlled conditions Performance Specifications the statement of how a textile must perform in a particular end use Parts of a performance specification Test method name and number Characteristics what you are testing for Requirements expected test results Each end use has a different performance specification sheet Quality Assurance the process of designing producing evaluating and assessing products to see that they meet the desired quality level for a company s target market Quality incorporated into product in all stages from merchandising and product development through marketing and retailing Quality assurance is NOT quality control Quality control inspecting goods after production to separate acceptable from unacceptable products Labeling of Textile Products The Importance of Labeling Labeling is an important part of the information needed because the testing procedures ensure the information provided on labels and hangtags is accurate The manufacturer and retailer are responsible for ensuring that all information required by federal laws and regulations is accurate on the label Labeling Requirements Point of Scale Fiber content usually sewn in or printed on Permanently attached Care information Textile Labeling laws which regulate labeling of textiles products Include apparel carpets rugs upholstery window covering etc Textile Fiber Product Identification Act TFPIA Generic generic or common name of fiber fiber content in order by weight 65
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