YOUR TEST 1 STUDY GUIDE Fall 2012 Chapter 1 Opportunities in Community Nutrition 13 questions Define community a grouping of people residing in a specific locality who interact and connect through a definite social structure to fulfill a wide range of daily needs four components people a location in space social interaction shared values community nutrition A discipline that strives to improve health nutrition and well being of individuals and groups within communities uses programs to seek behavior changes to improve nutritional status and health focuses on three major areas people policy and programs policy Course of action chosen by public authorities to address a given problem accomplished through laws regulations and programs public health Focuses on protecting promoting and restoring peoples health through applications of science practical skills and collective actions 2 major national programs US department of agriculture and Department of Health and Human Services Entrepreneur One who undertakes the risk of a business or enterprise Intrapreneur A risk taker whose job is located within a corporation company or other organization Differentiate between public health nutrition programs and community nutrition programs with respect to source of program funding Community nutrition is the broader of the two terms and encompasses any nutrition program whose target is the community whether the program is funded by the federal government as are the WIC program and the National school lunch program or sponsored by a private group such as a worksite weight management program Public Health Nutrition refers to those community based programs conducted by a government agency federal state provincial territorial county or municipal whose official mandate is the delivery of health services to individuals living in a particular area List common practice settings of community dietitians and public health nutritionists Community Dietitians RD s or LD s hospitals clinics health maintenance organizations voluntary health organizations worksites and other nongovernment settings Some work in federal state and municipal health agencies Public Health Nutritionists some of who are RD s or LD s provide nutrition services through government agencies Have a solid background in the nutrition sciences with at least a bachelors degree licensure or certification protects the public focus on normal nutrition provide nutrition services programs and interventions Discuss overall administration of public health programs same as info in above question Compare the core functions of public health vs the core functions of public health nutrition Public health focuses on protecting promoting and restoring people s health through applications of science practical skills and collective actions Public health nutrition community based programs conducted by government agency whose official mandate is the delivery of health services to individuals living in a particular area Describe the overall organization of HP 2010 Objectives Two overarching goals what are they 1 Increase quality and years of healthy life To help individuals increase life expectancy and improve their quality of life reflects the change in demographics to an increasingly older nation 2 Eliminate health disparities This goal reflects the increasing diversity of the American population and recognizes that gender race and ethnicity income and education rural or urban location disability and sexual orientation are major factors that affect access to health care services and contribute to health disparities Focus areas or chapters How many are there 28 focus areas access to quality health services arthritis osteoporosis and chronic back conditions cancer chronic kidney disease diabetes disability and secondary conditions educational and community based programs environmental health family planning food safety health communication heart disease and stroke HIV Immunization and infectious diseases injury and violence prevention maternal infant and child health medical product safety mental health and mental disorders nutrition and overweight occupational safety and health oral health physical activity and fitness public health infrastructure respiratory diseases sexually transmitted diseases substance abuse tobacco use vision and hearing 10 leading health indicators what are they What is the nutrition chapter 1 physical activity 2 overweight and obesity tobacco use 3 4 substance abuse 5 6 mental health injury and violence 7 8 environmental quality 9 10 access to health care immunization responsible sexual behavior Specific objectives How many are there 10 objectives physical activity overweight and obesity tobacco use substance abuse responsible sexual behavior mental health injury and death environmental quality immunization access to health care Identify the four categories of nutrition and overweight objectives Weight status and growth Iron deficiency and anemia Food and nutrient consumption Schools worksites and nutrition counseling Specify the baseline and target of change for the following objectives Obesity adults Healthy weight adults Overweight or obesity children 6 11 years old Base line 17 4 Target 15 7 12 19 years old baseline 17 9 Target 16 1 Obese 2 19 year old obese Baseline 16 1 and target 14 5 Identify nutrition objectives that are improving getting worse showing little or no change or cannot assess Chapter 2 assessing Community Resources 12questions Identify major approaches to conducting a community nutritional needs assessment Community needs assessment is the process of evaluating the health and nutritional status of the community determining what the community s health and nutritional needs are and identifying places where those needs are not being met It involves systematically collecting analyzing and making available information about the health status and nutritional status of the community or some subgroup of it seven steps listed below large assessment whole town or targeted group ex one group or one specific problem Specific goals of a community nutritional needs assessment might be Goals broad statements of what the activity or program is expected to accomplish example Identify examples of qualitative and quantitative data examples Steps Know the steps in conducting a community nutritional needs assessment step 1 define the nutritional problem step 2 set the parameters of the assessment step 3 collect data step 4 analyze and
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