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PSYCH 092 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY TEST 3 STUDY GUIDE CHAPTERS 13 19 Physical changes of the adult years are MULTIDIMENSIONAL AND MULTIDIRECTIONAL Rather than inheriting longevity directly people probably inherit risk and protective factors that influence their chances of dying earlier or later From 1970 to 2014 the birthrate INCREASED SIXFOLD FOR WOMEN IN THEIR THIRTIES Alcohol dependency is more likely in cultures where alcohol is CAREFULLY CONTROLLED AND A SIGN OF ADULTHOOD Sexual partners whether dating cohabiting or married tend to be similar in AGE EDUCATION AND ETHNICITY AS NUMBER OF SEX PARTNERS INCREASES SEXUAL SATISFACTION DECLINES SHARPLY NEARLY THREE FOURTHS of Millennials approve of legalized same sex marriage One in every FOUR individuals is likely to contract a sexually transmitted infection at some point in life The majority of victims of rape or other forms of sexual coercion are UNDER AGE 25 and the perpetrators are usually MEN THEY KNOW WELL PEOPLE OF ALL SES AND ETHNIC GROUPS ARE OFFENDERS AND VICTIMS with respect to sexual coercion WHEN MEN ARE TAUGHT TO BE DOMINANT COMPETITIVE AND AGGRESSIVE THE THEMES OF RAPE ARE REINFORCED DEFINITIONS FOR RAPE AND SEXUAL COERCION SHOULD BE GENDER NEUTRAL In early adulthood YOUNG ADULTS MORE OFTEN REPORT DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS THAN MIDDLE AGED PEOPLE THINKING BECOMES INCREASINGLY RATIONAL AND FLEXIBLE in the postformal thought period EMERGING ADULTHOOD FAILS TO DESCRIBE THE EXPERIENCE OF MOST OF THE WORLD S YOUTH Erikson the psychological conflict of early adulthood is INTIMACY VERSUS ISOLATION Stress tends to be greatest DURING TRANSITIONS BETWEEN PHASES in the family life cycle Young adults living at home in the U S today ARE FINANCIALLY DEPENDENT ON THEIR PARENTS SLIGHTLY OVER HALF of U S 18 to 25 year olds return to their parents home for brief periods after first leaving 49 percent of U S adults LIVE TOGETHER AS MARRIED COUPLES AGE AT MARRIAGE is the most consistent predictor of marital stability Gender roles of husband and wife usually BECOME MORE TRADITIONAL The arrival of a baby DOES NOT CAUSE SIGNIFICANT MARITAL STRAIN More people seek family therapy while parenting ADOLESCENTS than during any other phase of the family life cycle The rate of never married Americans aged 25 and older has MORE THAN DOUBLED since 1960 RISING AGE AT MARRIAGE IS LINKED TO GREATER MARITAL SATISFACTION and divorce rates have declined over the past two decades Most divorces occur WITHIN THE FIRST SEVEN YEARS OF MARRIAGE INFIDELITY AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE ARE AMONG THE STRONGEST PREDICTORS OF DIVORCE On average people REMARRY within four years of divorce On average people in their twenties experience THREE TO FOUR job changes Gender differences in career development MANY WOMEN ENTER AND EXIT THE LABOR MARKET SEVERAL TIMES UNLIKE THE CONTINUOUS CAREER LIVES OF MOST MEN Pattern of a HARDY individual most experiences are controllable change is viewed as a normal part of life and a chance for personal growth High hardy individuals are likely to USE ACTIVE PROBLEM CENTERED COPING STRATEGIES IN SITUATIONS THEY CAN CONTROL Crystallized intelligence depends on ACCUMULATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE FLUID intelligence begins to decline in the twenties Crystallized intelligence INCREASES STEADILY THROUGH MIDDLE ADULTHOOD In one study mentally and physically healthy 16 to 85 year olds showed that verbal IQ began to decline in the EIGHTIES Middle aged adults ARE INTELLECTUALLY IN THEIR PRIME not OVER THE HILL PERCEPTUAL SPEED decreases steadily from the twenties on When people figure out they are no longer as good as they once were at certain tasks they accommodate shifting to activities that depend more on ACCUMULATED KNOWLEDGE Negative outcome of Erikson s midlife stage stagnation focuses on SELF INDULGENCE Midlife crisis according to Vaillant evidence of A SLOW AND STEADY CHANGE rather than a crisis Possible Selves ESPECIALLY SRONG MOTIVATOR OF ACTION IN MIDLIFE A LONGER LIFE EXPECTANCY MEANS THAT ADULT CHILDREN AND THEIR PARENTS ARE INCREASINGLY LIKELY TO GROW OLD TOGETHER Burnout OCCURS MORE OFTEN IN THE HELPING PROFESSIONS Many U S Baby Boomers say they EXPECT TO DELAY RETIREMENT Improved nutrition medical treatment sanitation and safety have contributed to the dramatic gains in average LIFE EXPECTANCY in the U S in the last 100 years PROTECTIVE VALUE OF THE EXTRA X CHROMOSOME female advantage in average life expectancy Once people pass 75 to 80 years the contribution of heredity to length of life decreases in favor of environmental factors COMPRESSION OF MORBIDITY has occurred in industrialized nations Primary aging BLURRED VISION FROM MACULAR DEGENERATION Secondary aging HEART DISEASE FROM SMOKING CIGARETTES Frailty LEAVES OLDER PEOPLE HIGHLY VULNERABLE IN THE FACE OF INFECTION EXTREME TEMPERATURES OR INJURY Caregiving of older adults with dementia is SOMETIMES KNOWN AS THE 36 HOUR DAY because of its constant demands DEPRESSION is the disorder most often misdiagnosed as dementia The more a mental ability depends on FLUID intelligence the earlier it starts to decline For most of late adulthood cognitive declines are GRADUAL Erikson final psychological conflict is EGO IDENTITY VERSUS DISPAIR Joan Erikson Erik Erikson s widow coined an additional stage of psychosocial development called GEROTRANSENDENCE THIRD AGE late adulthood PERSONAL CONTROL diminishes in late life FAILED SUICIDES ARE MORE RARE IN OLD AGE THAN IN EARLIER LIFE Disengagement Theory DECREASE ACTIVITY LEVELS AND INTERACT LESS FREQUENTLY WITH AGE Divorce among people age 65 and older has QUADRUPLED over the past three decades MOST ABUSIVE ACTS of elder abuse occur because THEY TAKE PLACE IN PRIVATE AND VICTIMS ARE OFTEN UNABLE OR UNWILLING TO COMPLAIN FINANCIAL ABUSE EMOTIONAL ABUSE AND NEGLECT are the most frequently reported types of elder abuse The more negative a caregiver recipient relationship THE GREATER THE RISK OF ELDER ABUSE OF ALL KINDS Risk factors of elder maltreatment MANY PERPETRATORS OF ABUSE ARE DEPENDENT EMOTIONALLY OR FINANCIALLY ON THEIR VICTIMS Aging well is FACILITATED BY SOCIETAL CONTEXTS THAT PROMOTE EFFECTIVE PERSON ENVIRONMENT FIT Clinical death phase the HEARTBEAT CIRCULATION BREATHING AND BRAIN FUNCTIONING STOP THE GREATEST DIGNITY IN DEATH IS IN THE INTEGRITY OF THE LIFE THAT PRECEDES IT Kubler Ross five reactions to dying best viewed as COPING STRATEGIES THAT ANYONE MAY CALL ON IN THE FACE OF THREAT A SINGLE STRATEGY SUCH AS ACCEPTANCE IS NOT BEST FOR EVERY

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