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PSYCH 092 DEVELOPMENTAL PYSCHOLOGY TEST 2 STUDY GUIDE CHAPTERS 7 through 12 By age 4 to 5 MANY PARTS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX HAVE OVERPRODUCED SYNAPSES The left cerebral hemisphere IS ESPECIALLY ACTIVE BETWEEN 3 and 6 years and then levels off Language skills EXPAND AT AN ASTONISHING PACE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Heritability of left handedness is WEAK TO MODEST The RETICULAR FORMATION maintains alertness and consciousness The pituitary gland releases hormones that INDUCE GROWTH Many children BECOME UNPREDICTABLE PICKY EATERS Worldwide 98 percent of deaths of children under age 5 are IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES In developing countries widespread DIARRHEA leads to growth stunting and an estimated 1 million childhood deaths each year Childhood diseases have declined dramatically during the past half century largely as a result of WIDESPREAD IMMUNIZATION OF INFANTS AND YOUNG CHILDREN Many poverty stricken U S children DO NOT RECEIVE FULL IMMUNIZATION PROTECTION UNTIL IT IS REQUIRED FOR SCHOOL ENTRY Large scale studies show NO association with autism and NO CONSISTENT effects on cognitive performance UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES is the leading cause of childhood mortality in industrialized nations An increase in SYMBOLIC activity is one of the most obvious changes as children move from the sensorimotor to the preoperational stage Make believe play is thought to NOT ONLY REFLECT BUT ALSO TO CONTRIBUTE TO CHILDREN S COGNITIVE AND SOCIAL SKILLS PIAGET MISSED MANY NATURALLY OCCURRING INSTANCES OF EFFECTIVE REASONING BY PRESCHOOLERS Vygotsky s theory HELPS US UNDERSTAND THE WIDE CULTURAL VARIATION IN CHILDREN S COGNITIVE SKILLS Erickson Psychological conflict of the preschool years is INITIATVE VERSUS GUILT When preschoolers are THREATENED CRITICIZED AND PUNISHED EXCESSIVELY BY ADULTS their exuberant play and bold efforts to master new tasks break down A WARM SENSITIVE PARENT CHILD RELATIONSHIP fosters a more positive coherent early self concept The more parents LABEL EMOTIONS EXPLAIN THEM AND EXPRESS WARMTH WHEN CONVERSING WITH PRESCHOOLERS the more emotion words children use and the better developed their emotional understanding SELF ESTEEM evaluations are among the most important aspects of self development because they affect our emotional experiences future behavior and long term psychological adjustment TEACHER SENSITIVITY strongly predicts children s social competence in early childhood At first a child s morality is EXTERNALLY CONTROLLED BY ADULTS according to most theories of moral development Discipline that relies too heavily on WITHDRAWAL OF LOVE makes children so anxious and frightened that they cannot think clearly enough to figure out what they should do MORAL DEVELOPMENT IS A GRADUAL PROCESS THAT EXTENDS INTO ADULTHOOD HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE CHILDREN TEND TO BE REJECTED BY PEERS AND TO FAIL IN SCHOOL Children s gender stereotyped beliefs STRENGTHEN SO MUCH THAT MANY CHILDREN APPLY THEM AS BLANKET RULES THAT SHOULD NOT BE VIOLATED Children of AUTHORITARIAN parents are more likely to react with hostility when frustrated and use force to get their way Self regulation training is likely to be fully effective in obesity prevention only when STRESSORS IN CHILDREN S FAMILY LIVES ARE MANAGEABLE Obesity has caused a dramatic rise in cases of DIABETES in children In WESTERN SOCIETIES OBESE CHILDREN ARE STEREOTYPED AS LAZY SELF DOUBTING AND DECEITFUL Reversibility consists of THINKING THROUGH A SERIES OF STEPS AND THEN MENTALLY REVERSE DIRECTION CULTURAL FRAMEWORKS INFLUENCE CHILDREN S MAP MAKING Impact of culture and schooling SPECIFIC CULTURAL AND SCHOOL PRACTICES HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH MASTERY OF PIAGETIAN TASKS Forms of logic required by Piagetian tasks do not emerge spontaneously but rather are HEAVILY INFLUENCED BY TRAINING CONTEXT AND CULTURAL CONDITIONS 7 to 11 year olds Piaget s CONCRETE OPERATION stage Heritability evidence suggests CONSIDERABLE genetic contribution to executive function Erickson danger in middle childhood is INFERIORITY pessimism of children who lack confidence in their ability to do things well Perceived PHYSICAL APPEARANCE correlates more strongly with overall self worth than does any other self esteem factor Racial and ethnic prejudices OVERLY HIGH SELF ESTEEM INTERGROUP CONTACT IN RACIALLY AND ETHNICALLY DIVERSE COOPERATIVE LEARNING GROUPS is an effective way to reduce prejudice Child sexual abuse THE ABUSER IS OFTEN A PARENT OR SOMEONE THE PARENT KNOWS WELL Women who were sexually abused are likely to CHOOSE PARTNERS WHO ABUSE THEM AND THEIR CHILDREN Resilience ENABLES CHILDREN TO USE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL RESOURCES TO COPE WITH ADVERSITY BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL FORCES COMBINE TO INFLUENCE ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT A GENE OR GROUP OF GENES ON THE X CHROMOSOME might predispose males to develop same sex attraction Girls EXPOSED PRENATALLY TO VERY HIGH LEVELS OF ANDROGENS OR ESTROGENS are more likely to develop lesbian or bisexual orientations Young people from ages 15 to 24 HAVE THE HIGHEST RATES OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS OF ALL AGE GROUPS ABOUT ONE FOURTH OF ADOLESCENT PREGNANCIES END IN ABORTION accounts for the number of teenage births being so much lower in U S than 50 years ago Formal operational stage of cognitive development in adolescence NO LONGER REQUIRE CONCRETE THINGS OR EVENTS AS OBJECTS OF THOUGHT Sophisticated metacognitive understanding is vital for SCIENTIFIC REASONING The imaginary audience is most likely responsible for adolescents SELF CONSCIOUSNESS AND SENSITIVITY TO PUBLIC CRITICISM LATE ADOLESCENCE AND EARLY ADULTHOOD absorbed in the task of identity formation Adolescents with POOR ACADEMIC SELF ESTEEM tend to be anxious and unfocused in adolescence AUTHORITATIVE parenting style that is predictive of high self esteem Per Kohlberg s Heinz Dilemma IT IS THE WAY AN INDIVIDUAL REASONS ABOUT THE DILEMMA THAT DETERMINES MORAL MATURITY Know the stages of moral development Kohlberg esp Stage 6 the universal ethical principle orientation Gilligan believes that Kohlberg s theory of moral understanding DOES NOT ADEQUATELY REPRESENT THE MORALITY OF GIRLS AND WOMEN About 70 percent of Americans RATE RELIGION AS VERY IMPORTANT IN THEIR LIVES Effective parenting of adolescents strikes a balance between CONNECTION SEPARATION THE QUALITY OF THE PARENT CHILD RELATIONSHIP is the single most consistent predictor of mental health The most common psychological problem of adolescence is DEPRESSION Depression is MODERATELY heritable Delinquent youths

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