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1 Raven Charles HIS 120 March 23 2022 Religion and Social Order happen in everyday life Religion allows people to see themselves and open up regarding whom they believe in It provides you a good opportunity to be able to have powerful socialization together with your people Religion gives you a group of guidelines to be happy with whom you believe in and why Whereas social order gives you a chance to be attached to your people and has a strong sense of happiness with them Also social order is responsible for the oppression that it produces Containing both of these gives people a set of basic instructions to follow Meaning If you are Christian you can t have sex till you are married It says in the bible that God created sex to be enjoyed within the boundaries of a covenant relationship between one man and one woman in marriage People follow these sets of rules because they believe in God and it gives them the understanding that you will live happier if you follow these rules As you may know this religion and social order have been going on for years from Ancient China when they had oracle bones Mesopotamia the two rivers and King Ashoka influencing Buddhism In the Shang dynasty years in Ancient China they used oracle bones to navigate their surroundings and be able to tell them where to travel and so forth Many people used them as a result of it creating vital decisions for their entire society Essentially using a prophet pressing a hot rod into a bone allowed them to access new artifacts that they didn t recognize that they could It allowed them to speak with their ancestors and do their deities As you will know they couldn t try this without the assistance of Di He was the one who got their information for them He basically offered assistance to those seeking his guidance and help with anything they 2 needed Di was a very respected figure to the Shang people additionally as an important figure in war and Mesopotamia is separated from two rivers Tigris and Euphrates The area of Mesopotamia was governed by priests kings and leaders but being the land between two rivers it was prolific Since they were so close to food and water it allowed for people to establish trade most offering food in exchange for their currency called shekels For not having this trade it would trigger Mesopotamia to be non dreadful That s when they discover cuneiform Cuneiform is a writing system that was discovered five thousand years ago Cuneiform became the foundation of many other languages basically the sparking of Mesopotamia As you may know Sumerians were the first to use cuneiform with its wedge shaped writing and its clay tablet Mesopotamians believed that the temples connected to heaven and earth As you may know things couldn t continue without a ruler and that was Hammurabi who brought very successful actions towards Babylon While he was being a ruler he created very successful codes for his civilization Buddhism which was brought along by King Ashoka for his new expectations of life Asoka was India s great emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty of India who ruled from 268 232 BC He became the Mauryan Dynasty by killing his brothers in the 2 year war of Succession but turned into a benevolent man after the war against Kalinga He was the third ruler of the Mauryan Dynasty Ashoka created edicts not just for himself but for his people as well Asoka s edicts were found scattered all around India Nepal Pakistan and Afghanistan which lead to them being written in many different scripts When creating those edicts he realized that Nirvana is eternal enlightenment Nirvana Was the term used to describe the soul being reborn into higher being Eightfold path and the Four Noble truths are the key to attaining Nirvana Buddishm was 3 made up from Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path Four Noble Truths where life is suffering desire is the cause of our suffering get rid of desire to stop suffering there is a path away from desire and suffering These Four Noble Truths each had their own meaning to them during this time While the Eightfold Path was the right view intention speech action livelihood effort mindfulness and concentration To sum things up Religion and Social Order has a strong act of believing in a god or anything related to spirits Each of these 3 sources I contained had their own ways of believing who they believed in to have a purpose of living It continues to grow because of how people deal with their own civilization and tend to socialize with their peers Religion is all who you believe in and whether you believe it or not Source https justdisciple com christians sex before marriage

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