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CHAPTER 16 REVIEW QUESTIONS When a toy manufacturer advertises a product on Saturday morning television and tell children to ask for the product at their favorite toy stores it is implementing a policy in its promotion mix A push policy is characterized by Pull A pull policy is characterized by Organizations that sell convenience products in markets containing millions of customers are most likely to use When a marketer codes meaning into a message which of the following is not necessary An audience is best defined as HEB grocery stores want to let their customers know that the stores now offer an expanded range of service including late hours and check cashing In the communication process HEB stores would be considered the When a decoded message differs from the coded message Channel capacity is determined by the Pioneer promotion attempts to stimulate demand Primary If Procter Gamble mails coupons to selected consumers allowing the recipient to redeem the coupon for a free small container of its new chocolate flavored peanut butter the primary promotional objective of this campaign is most likely to be Steve Roberts of Roberts Auto Sales states in his television commercial that his cars are bad Seeing this Calvin Peters wonders why any of these cars are sold This situation is an example of a communication problem stemming from the absence of Immediate feedback and knowledge of customer s needs are advantages of Procter Gamble s program of donating part of the purchase price of each jar of JIF peanut butter to local schools is a direct example of According to the text advertising is Which of the following is an activity or a material that serves as a direct inducement to resellers salespersons or consumers The state university has been running a student government blood drive for the past three years This year the group ran radio spots announcing the drive on the student radio station The number of people participating grew by 25 percent This increase in participation represents the communications Feedback Concentration of promotional efforts on the next institution down the marketing channel Promotion aimed directly at consumers Advertising and sales promotion Including all possible product information Two or more receivers who decode a message Source A condition called noise exists Least efficient component of the communication process Encouraging product trial Shared meaning Personal selling Cause related marketing A paid form of nonpersonal communication transmitted through a mass medium Sales promotion Promotion can help keep product prices low if Which of the following is a characteristic of sales promotion A broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and its public is Most firms with limited promotional resources use mainly personal selling because The promotion stimulates demand or fuels price competition It may be aimed at either final consumers or trade people Public relations Measuring a salesperson s contribution to sales is easier than measuring the effect of advertising As Igor is wondering what to do this weekend an advertisement for Flemming Furniture is aired on the television station to which his set is turned Igor never even thinks about furniture or the Flemming store during the commercial In this instance has have blocked the communication process Custom Schooners Inc makes heavy use of the element of the promotion mix because the number of valid prospects for boats costing over 200 000 is limited Public relations can include all of the following except According to the text communication is best defined as Perceptual processes Personal selling A paid TV advertisement A sharing of meaning

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