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CHAPTER 10 REVIEW QUESTIONS Digital media have created opportunities for companies to Electronic media that function using digital codes are called uses the Internet and mobile and interactive channels to develop communication and exchanges with customers According to Nielsen Marketing Research consumers spend more time on than e mail JC Penney s website encourages visitors to register in order to maximize their use of the site By gathering information about a consumer before a purchase is made JC Penney is practicing Home Depot has an iPhone icon that allows users to match colors in photographs with the store s selection of carpets This is an example of a n are more consumer driven than traditional media One trend that has caused consumer generated information to gain importance is Target specific markets Digital media Digital marketing Social networking sites Addressability Application Digital media Consumers tendencies to trust other consumers over corporations Respond to fan posts When using Facebook Fan Pages companies must dedicate time to in order to make Fans feel connected MySpace has experienced difficulties competing with Face book in part because of its reputation as more of a site than one for keeping in touch with friends Linkedln is a social networking site geared toward A Linkedln profile resembles General Motors communicates with consumers and stockholders via social networking Which site would be the most beneficial for GM to post its stock information on Some companies use as internal tools for teams working on a project requiring lots of documentation are audio or video files that can be downloaded from the Internet with a subscription that automatically delivers new content to listening devices or personal computers Red Bull has started introducing new products and information to bloggers in the hope that they will pass the information on to their online followers In this case the bloggers are Of the online user segments in The Social Technographics Profile the largest group in most countries is Dating Professionals A resume LinkedIn Wikis Podcasts Creators Spectators Walmart has stores in China where Spectators make up the majority of the online population To match their marketing efforts with the characteristics of the population Walmart should Pizza hut has restaurants in India where Joiners make up the majority of the online population To match their marketing efforts with the characteristics of the population Pizza Hut should KFC has restaurants in Mexico where Inactives make up the majority of the online population To match their marketing efforts with the characteristics of the population KFC should Post its own promotional messages on blogs and websites Create a Fan Page and invite consumers to post their thoughts Focus more on traditional promotions rather than social networking

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