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Nicholas Wong Mr Haugen KIN 249 4 24 22 Lesson 7 Discussion Since equality is everything when it comes to sports from what I have learned in the course over the past few weeks without the use of equality I think Guttmann revising his definition of modern sport as an autotelic physical contest Haugen Lecture 1 2 to take out the term equality is not necessary Background gender physical traits race and religion should not be factors in treating people differently since everyone should be viewed as equal Sports have tended to rank one gender or race as superior to another gender or race which has caused a lot of problems with gender and race As athletes should not be viewed for the color of their skin or gender but instead for their abilities and skills to play the sport it does not make any rational sense The quote there has been a wide spread of acceptance and movements for female athletes Alper 2002 has been mentioned in the film Playing Unfair The Media Image of the Female Athlete A stereotype that should be broken is women being perceived as the weaker gender which is not reasonable to view women like that As seen in the film Murderball from last week s lesson disabled people should also be viewed the same as able bodied people showing how the term equality has a lot to do with modern day sport Disabled people are capable of becoming successful athletes like able bodied people even though they must play modified versions of sports to accommodate their disabilities What has led to inequality is how society has progressed to adapt to horrible misconceptions of people who are different Equality should be incorporated within the definition and inequality has a part in modern problems within sports Disabled people females and people of other races would not be treated the same and society would perceive specific sports as played by particular genders or races if Guttmann changed the use of equality to inequality People should not be criticized for playing sports and everyone should have equal opportunities to play the sports they want to I believe it would be helpful for other people to comprehend differences more and Guttmann should include another term better describing the complexity of difference Disability gender race in modern sport culture Rather than being scared to bring the topic of differences up it should be properly addressed as a modern day sports topic For example since people usually do not want disabled people to get injured they are afraid of disabled people playing sports with violence Even though this is not really a horrible thing to be afraid of I believe more people should recognize that sports is a way that some disabled people find happiness and joy through similar to able bodied people Alper L King K 2002 Playing Unfair The Media Image of the Female Athlete Media Reference List Education Foundation Haugen M 2022 What is Sport Lecture 1 2

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