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4 18 22 1 21 PM Syllabus Spring 2022 KIN 249 Sport Modern My Illinois Compass 2g Nicholas Wong Content Collection H Orientation Module Course Information Syllabus Syllabus Course Information Course Description KIN 249 SPORT MODERN SOCIETY Course Syllabus From bog snorkeling to the rodeo WWE to bodybuilding sports help define the contours of nations identities and bodies In this course we will examine the ways sport and society impact one another Throughout the semester we will look at and beyond the traditional American sports of football baseball and basketball One of our goals will be to examine the cultures that produce and proliferate from sport To do so we need first to distance ourselves from commonly held assumptions and definitions We will begin with questions of definition What is modern society When did it arise How did it change the way we work play challenge our bodies and measure achievement What is sport What kinds of activities are defined as sports Why when and by which cultures We will then move on to questions of media representation who are the icons of sport Why What roles do danger violence and sex play in the popularization of sport How do technologies like television and print media participate in the creation and distribution of certain ideologies What roles do race class gender sexuality and disability play in our conceptions of athletes and sport How are national images tied to sporting events and teams Our readings will be diverse and drawn from several sources the popular press academic journals non fiction journalistic accounts and even science fiction Course Objectives At the completion of this course students will be able to Recognize and articulate competing definitions of sport and modern society Create logical arguments for a particular position definition theory or hypothesis Critically analyze popular representations of sport s Understand and discuss intersecting oppressions including issues of race class disability gender and sexuality Required Texts and Film Required course materials are available at the campus bookstore include the following Mandelbaum The Meaning of Sport Why Americans Watch Baseball Football and Basketball All other readings are in a digital course reading packet available through the UIUC bookstore at https uofibookstore redshelf com book 1624357 kin 249 fall 2020 course packet 1624357 9781647748104 Do not worry that the packet says 2020 readings are the same for 2021 22 Please purchase your course packets ASAP so that you have the readings for Lesson 1 Week 1 beginning on the first day of class Office Hours and Email https compass2g illinois edu webapps blackboard execute content blankPage cmd view content id 5716081 1 course id 62832 1 1 8 4 18 22 1 21 PM Syllabus Spring 2022 KIN 249 Sport Modern Please be diligent about asking questions for clarification Feel free to schedule an appointment via email I will do my best to accommodate your requests Some important notes about email messages 1 Your messages are important to me but I will not be able to respond immediately Please allow at least 24 48 hours for a response If I receive your message on a Friday you can expect an answer by the following Monday Before emailing me please make sure the answer to your question is not already covered in this syllabus if the information can be found here you will likely not receive a response 2 If you have questions concerning basic material in the course post them to the course Q A Discussion to see if a classmate can help I will check these questions periodically during the week 3 Please use my primary email address mbhauge2 illinois edu 4 Please be sure your email message includes your last name KIN 249 and your Discussion Group in the subject line Attendance This course is structured around participation and discussion online in your discussion groups class depends on your scrupulous and conscientious attention to the assigned reading I expect you to be active and energetic participants Timely completion of reading assignments is required and crucial to your success in and enjoyment of this course Illinois Compass 2g Course Communication A Compass 2g site has been created for this course All course related communication is facilitated through Compass All course documents will be available through Compass You are expected to check Compass daily for all course related materials including announcements and course schedule changes the schedule is subject to change All documents will be posted prior to the scheduled required due date Grades and the evaluation of course materials will also be posted on Compass Important The discussion board on Compass is the students primary mode of communication to ask instructors any questions and to ask each other questions about course content Instructors will not respond to discussion board questions that ask about due dates assignment instructions or any other piece of information that is available to the student through the course Compass site and related documents Students are required to read materials and resources available on Compass If you have a question about the course or the content please post a question to the Course Q A forum Posting questions there allows everyone to benefit from the answer Most likely other students also have the same question Review Course Q A board before you post your questions It is very likely somebody else had the same question which was answered already in the discussion board Late Work Medical and Personal Emergencies Bereavement Religious Observance PLEASE NOTE THIS COURSE DOES NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK and will be graded as 0 not accepted if turned in past the deadline unless validly documented to the instructor by official university protocol outlined below My policy is intended to help your understand the importance of deadlines and time managment Understand that this class often has 500 students and the policy is outlined to ensure fairness to all students in the course Excused absences from required course assignments must meet the criteria outlined in the Class Attendance Policy in the Student Code of Conduct If you have a pressing matter contact me as soon as possible Do not wait until weeks after the fact to tell me about your positive covid test ill family member dog eating your homework or other issue that might impact your ability to turn in your assignments https studentcode illinois edu article1 part5 1 501 For late work that meets the above

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