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Food Label Lab SP 22 0 Name Date 1 In general what information do you find on a food label Food Label 2 a What mandatory information do you get from a nutrition label including the nutrition facts panel b What optional information is also given on some nutrition labels c What label changes are found on containers that are small example package of lifesavers 3 a What is the purpose of Health Claims on food labels b List 3 Health Claims the government allows on food labels 1 2 3 4 List the symbol or letter used to designate the following a Dairy product b Kosher food c Registered name or symbol d Patent Copyright e List one other symbol and explain its meaning 1 5 Define the following terms what they mean on food labels specifically a Low Calorie b Reduced Calorie c Lite or light d Low Fat e Reduced Fat f Fat Free g Low Cholesterol h Low Sodium i Sugarless or Sugar Free j High Fiber k Organically grown l Enriched m Fortified 2 n Processed FOOD LABELS LAB Using at least two food labels each one must be from a different food group complete the following Be sure your labels contain some amounts of carbohydrate protein and fat You must hand in the ENTIRE Clean food label including the Nutrition Facts Panel or submit pictures via UBlearns a Brand name b Product c Net weight drained weight d Serving Size e Servings per container f Calories per serving as stated on label g Calories per package calculate h Grams of Total Fat per serving 1 Grams Saturated Fat 2 Grams Trans Fat 3 Mg Cholesterol 4 Calculate the actual Calories from Fat per Serving Grams of Total Fat x 9 calories per gram i Mg of Sodium j Grams of Total Carbohydrates 1 Grams of Dietary Fiber 2 Grams of Sugar 3 Calculate the actual Calories from Carbohydrate per Serving Grams of Total Carbs x 4 calories per gram k Grams of Protein per serving 1 Calculate the actual Calories from Protein per Serving Grams of Protein x 4 calories per gram l Calculate the Total calories serving Fat Cal Carbohydrate Cal Protein Cal show work m Do your calculations equal the total Calories serving specified on the food labels 3 Using the information from your Food Label Lab on the previous page answer the following 6 Determine the of Calories supplied by fat for 1 serving of the product calories from fat divided by total Calories per serving X 100 of calories from fat 7 List the nutrients supplied at 10 or more of the DV in 1 serving of this product 8 From your food label list or describe the symbols or letters used ie dairy kosher etc 9 List any nutrient claims found on your food label example Low fat light etc 10 List two ways this food label could be improved Are there things that could be done that would make it easier to read for example 4 FOOD LABELS LAB Using at least two food labels each one must be from a different food group complete the following Be sure your labels contain some amounts of carbohydrate protein and fat You must hand in the ENTIRE Clean food label including the Nutrition Facts Panel or submit pictures via UBlearns a Brand name b Product c Net weight drained weight d Serving Size e Servings per container f Calories per serving as stated on label g Calories per package calculate h Grams of Total Fat per serving 1 Grams Saturated Fat 2 Grams Trans Fat 3 Mg Cholesterol 4 Calculate the actual Calories from Fat per Serving Grams of Total Fat x 9 calories per gram i Mg of Sodium j Grams of Total Carbohydrates 1 Grams of Dietary Fiber 2 Grams of Sugar 3 Calculate the actual Calories from Carbohydrate per Serving Grams of Total Carbs x 4 calories per gram k Grams of Protein per serving 1 Calculate the actual Calories from Protein per Serving Grams of Protein x 4 calories per gram l Calculate the Total calories serving Fat Cal Carbohydrate Cal Protein Cal show work m Do your calculations equal the total Calories serving specified on the food labels 5 Using the information from your Food Label Lab on the previous page answer the following 11 Determine the of Calories supplied by fat for 1 serving of the product calories from fat divided by total Calories per serving X 100 of calories from fat 12 List the nutrients supplied at 10 or more of the DV in 1 serving of this product 13 From your food label list or describe the symbols or letters used ie dairy kosher etc 14 List any nutrient claims found on your food label example Low fat light etc 15 In your opinion list two ways this food label could be improved Are there things that could be done that would make it easier to read for example 6

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UB NTR 109 - Food Label Lab

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