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Eulipotyphla Order Erinaceomorpha Hedgehogs moon rats gymnures Order Soricomorpha Shrews moles desmans solenodons nesophontids Common Eulipotyphlan Features Small narrow snouts Plantigrade Short dense fur Secretive nocturnal insectivorous W shaped ectoloph on upper molars Order Erinaceomorpha Family Erinaceidae Hedgehogs gymnures and moon rats 10 genera and 24 species Africa Eurasia Southeast Asia Mouse to rabbit size Spines in hedgehogs Hedgehogs First upper and lower incisors may be enlarged Omnivorous Resistant to snake venom Probably heterothermic Hibernation in some species Hylomyinae gymnures and moon rats Southeastern Asia Malay peninsula Borneo Philippines No spines Hedgehog Skull Complete zygomatic arch odd for eulipotyphlans Enlarged 1st incisors Simple nonsectorial cusps on upper molars omnivory Hedgehogs Erinaceinae Palearctic and Africa Plantigrade Solitary except for mother young Spines emerge almost immediately after birth Defensive Posture with m panniculus carnosus Normal subcutaneous muscle system pulls skin over feet and face Moonrats Gymnures Erinaceinae SE Asia Forests Touch sensitive snouts Carnivorous but like fungi Mark territory with rotten garlic scent Order Soricomorpha Family Solenodontidae solenodons Family Nesophontidae extinct in Holocene Family Soricidae shrews Family Talpidae moles Family Solenodontidae 1 genus and 3 species 800 g Only Haiti and Cuba Long slender flexible snout Second lower incisor grooved May transport toxin Omnivorous and nocturnal Mammae on buttocks Echolocation high frequency clicks Wide gauge gait Zig zag walking pattern Family Soricidae Shrews 26 genera and 376 species Holarctic recent dispersal to Africa 2 3 grams to 180 grams crazy abundant Snout long and slim eyes and pinna small No zygomatic arch tympanic bulla just ring Red teeth most geothite pigmentation Upper incisors large hooked 2 cusps Pincers with lower incisors Others canines unicusped Insectivorous some venomous Size and Metabolism Loose heat rapidly high surface volume ratio Eat 2 3 times body weight in ONE DAY Most live 24 monts Hot Shrews Expected BMR Temperate climate Short lived Breed in food supply pulse Cold Shrews Expected BMR Longer life slower turnover Wisconsin Shrews Blarina brevicauda N short tailed Velvety slate grey color varies with season Robust body snout Small eyes fur hidden ears Pungent odor toxic saliva painful to humans Forest and field Sorex hoyi American pygmy shrew Smallest long tailed shrew Furred tail Friable forest leaf litter Frequents swamps in NE US and boreal forests Water Shrews Sorex palustris Streams and ponds Fringes of hair on toes Increase surface area Family Talpidae Moles desmans shrewmoles North America and Eurasia Moles Deciduous teeth lost in utero Desmans Fast running mountain streams Talpidae Desmans Russian Semi aquatic Preys on arthropods amphibians Like moles blind Touch with Eimer s organs on snout Mole Anatomy Sensory organ that assists in sensing changes in environment and where prey predators may be Enormous keel on sternum manubrium Why Extension of sternum that sticks out attachment for muscle tissue to power arms Long flat scapula Why Huge hands twisty humerus Strength and flexibility to maneuver underground Scalopus aquaticus Eastern MOle Broad hands Slate colored fur naked tail Snout pointed no projections Prefers moist sandy loam Frequently along streams Glaciated sandy river valleys Condylura cristata Front feet as broad as long Tail hairy constricted near base Star nosed mole 22 fleshy tentacles Prefer low wet areas Good swimmers forage in water smell by blowing bubbles inhaling the air Tunnels can open underwater Star nosed mole tentacles Eimer s organ 25000 touch receptors Uses three kinds of touch receptors and pain receptors Note tactile hunting diversity of habitats Perissodactyla 3 families 6 genera 16 species Long rostra molariform teeth Large cecum hindgut fermentation Axis of symmetry of foot middle digit most weight Mesaxonic condition Evolution Arose in late Paleocene in Asia Europe North America by early Eocene Dominant browsers of the Eocene Began to decline in Miocene Climatic changes Competition with artiodactyls Cursorial Trends Among Ungulates Integration of locomotor and respiratory systems The visceral piston Liver bouncing against diaphragm aids ventilation of lungs during gallop Pneumatic stabilization Tracheal valves shunt air alternately to right and left lungs during stride Pressure stabilizes shoulder and chest wall during stride as forelimb strikes the ground Long hands feet esp Metacarpals tarsals of palm and flat of foot Increase Stride Length 1 Increase limb length 2 Ungulagrade Meaning 3 No clavicle rotating scapula 4 Spine flexion extension Increase Stride Rate Decrease distal weight low rotational inertia Proximal muscle mass Tendons run to distal limb Spring tendons ligaments Big 3rd tochanter of perissodactyls powerful femoral retraction Grooved pulley like anterior surface of astragulus Foot motion one plane but BIG range of motion Ungulate Foot Morphology Mesaxonic Central axis digit 3 Perissodactyls Paraxonic Central axis between 3 4 Artiodactyls Artiodactyls only Nuchal ligament Spring Ligament Elastically braces head neck From digital flexor Elastic E storage return Equidae Arose N America Eocene 1 genus 8 species Most species are highly social Form herds and or clans Polygynous mating system Social hierarchy led by dominant stallion Harems formed in some species Bachelor herds Complex behavior and vocal communication Fission fusion social system common Equid evolution Equidae Increased size concave back Complex branching evolution not anagensis morphing pattern Reduction of outer toes Longer deeper antorbital region Increased loph complexity Equus evolved in North America Crossed into Asia in late Pliocene Horse domestication may date as far back as 4500 years ago in Central Asia Horses returned to North America with Spanish conquistadores in 1500s Skull modification Preorbital elongation to accommodate teeth Deep jaws hypsodont teeth Simplified stacked ankle bones below pulley like astragalus single pulley Horses are Caballines Equus przewalskii Equus cabalus Modern horse May reach 1000 kg Wild Asses E africanus asinus Mongolian Extinct in wild 1966 successfully re introduced Stocky 132cm high short neck slender legs Powerful jaws Erect black tipped mane The only equid where the mane falls to the side all others erect African asses donkeys Widely domesticated

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UWL BIO 488 - Eulipotyphla

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