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2 21 1 Freudian Psychoanalysis 2 The unconscious 1 Psychoanalysis is a political weapon demonstrating the way the unconscious of patriar chal society has structured the film form Mulvey p 59 Is primarily responsible for motivation 1 Conscious vs un conscious 2 Based upon repression 3 4 Misophonia extreme annoyance at selected sounds 5 Not everyone is bother by the same noise 6 Almost all sounds are made by humans eating picking finger nails tapping pens breath ing 7 People are not bothered when they make the same sound themselves 8 Fred s view of the human mind the mental iceberg figure 3 Lacan and the mirror stage 1 At 6 months old babies see themselves in a mirror 2 Disconnection between body in mirror and their own sense of self creates conflict Ani mosity and rivalry between the two images 3 To resolve this We identity with the image because it is more functional than we per ceive outsides to be It gives rise to the ability to think of ourselves as others might 4 This process then creates the Ego the part of out personality that is responsible for orga nizing our instinctual desires into realistic activities 4 Pleasure in looking 1 Scopophilia sexual pleasure derived from taking other people as objects subjecting them to a controlling and curious gaze Mulvey p 60 5 Infantile Scopophilia camera picture 1 The first scopophilic arises from pleasure in using another person as an object of sexual stimulation through sight 2 Pleasure in being a voyeur in seeing something not meant for you 6 Narcissistic Scopophilia James Bond 1 The second developed through narcussum and the constitution of the ego comes from identification with the image seen Mutely p 61 7 Active Male Passive Female iron man 1 Men push action women stop action 8 Woman as image 1 The role of women in film is to be looked at 1 To be the object of the fivers scopophilia 2 Within the patriarchal order women are the other the empty object through which identify is constructed 3 The determining make gaze projects its fantasy on to the female figure which is styled accordingly Mulvey p 62 9 Feriahizatrion of female bodies black widow 1 Fetishism an object becomes a fetish when it is the focus of sexual desire 2 Characterized by an excessive objectification of female body With numerous shots of breasts butts hair and legs 2 23 10 Revisit post feminsin 1 A term used to describe the ways in which notions of gender and sexuality have changed as a result of the feminist movement 2 Predicated on the belief that since feminism successfully pointed out cesium sun out so ciety feminism 11 Feature of post feminism 1 Femininity as bodily property 2 Shift from objectification to subjectification 3 Self surveillance monitoring and discipline 4 Focus upon individualism choice and empowerment 5 Dominance of makeover self care paradigms 6 Continued focus on sexualization 7 Consumerism commodification 12 Reality Television 1 Cheap to produce 2 Mix of realism and scripting 3 Manufactured situations designed to capture drama 13 Reality TV makeover shows 492 1 These shows offer personal narratives of individuals both men and women as they un dergo extensive cosmetic surgery as a way to make over their lives The surgical procedures are postponed as effective means through which one can achieve a more general life transformation Clearly and critically legitimate the increasing normalization of the cultural practice of cosmetic surgery in US culture and transparently conflate personal fulfillment and indi vidual achievenment with 492 14 Birdalplasty 15 The paradox of choice Women who choose to undergo radical surgeries are understood as victims of false con sciousness who are duped into conforming to cultural norms Consider that cosmetic surgery is less about beauty than about attaining some minimum level of social acceptability that can then serve as a base from which to practice the more normal regimen of feminine beauty within contemporary US society p 496 2 3 1 2 16 D

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