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Week 7 3 7 1 Oppression and the double bind 1 Oppression 1 It is root if oppression is press to flatten reduce in size squeeze and restrain 2 Something pressed is caught between or among forces and barriers which are so re lated to each other that jointly they restrain restrict or prevent the thing s motion or mobility 2 Double bind 1 One of the most charatentistic and ubiquitous features of the would as experienced by oppressed people is the double bind situations in which options are reduced to a very few and all of them expire one to penalty censure or deprivation 2 How does a double bind work 1 Sexually active 1 Run the risk of embarrassing attention and snide remarks slut whore dumb 2 Men assume sex is forthcoming female friends scorn her for showing no restraint 3 Judges risk of unwanted pregnancies and dangerous uncomfortable contraceptives 4 When raped they are blamed for being too loose responding to male advances 2 Sexually inactive up 1 Run the risk of embracing attention and snide remark frigid bitch tease prude 2 Face constant harassment from men for sex female friends scorn her for being stuck 3 When raped they are blamed for being a tease not responding to make advances 3 Working mom stay at home mom 4 The bitch the doormat 5 Attractive unattractive 1 Competent but bossy and unliked vs well liked but considered incompetent 1 Fulfill male standards of beauty and be seen primarily as a sex object vs reject main stream standards of beauty and be seen as underserving of make attention 6 Report harassment Don t report harassment 1 Report harassment and be subject to intense scrutiny about your choices trustworthi ness vs don t report and be criticized for not doing anything about the abuse 7 D 3 2008 as a historic campaign for women nomination Senator John McCain 1 Hillary Clinton narrowly lost to Barack Obama for the Democratic Party presidential 2 Sarah Palin R Governor of Alaska is selected as Vice Presidential running mate for 3 66 of women voted while only 62 of men 4 Kanter s four stereotypes of professional women 1 Sex Object 2 Mother 3 Pet 4 Iron Maiden 3 9 5 Masculinity in politics 1 Iraq invasion 2003 6 John Kerry and the French Feminine in the 2004 presidential election 1 Post 9 11 American foreign policy included preemptive strike policy 2 Under the assumption that Iraq was harboring chemical biological and nuclear weapon capable ileitis the US and the UK announced a plan to invade 3 The bush administration spent conferrable emerged attempting to build support for the war both domestically and internationally 4 The Bush admin did not receive consent form the the UN but did from Congress and they invaded Iraq in march 2003 beginning a large and costly war 7 Effect of WWI on French 1 France German and Russia had the most military casualties in WWI 2 Mostly infrastructural damage was done in France s western front where most fighting happened 3 Economy was completely destroyed likewise for Germany 4 By WWII France was eager to avoid any more war for good reason 8 French opposition to Iraq war 9 The French as feminine 1 As a nation personified France s heterosexuality is jeopardized by a gendered discourse of weakness submission emasculation and sexual deviance or objectification 10 George W Bush vs John Kerry In 2004 in the midst of the Iraq war Bush was seeking re election 1 2 His opponent was Democrat John Kerry a Massachusetts Senator and former Vietnam 3 The election is a referendum on the Iraq war with Bush supporting it and Kerry offering veteran criticism of it 4 Bush beat Kerry by 34 electoral votes 11 Hegemonic masculinity 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 1 Physical force and control 2 Occupational achievement 3 Familial patriarchy 4 Frontiers manship 5 Heterosexuality 6 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 12 FRENCHHIFYING John Kerry 1 Repeated references to his fluency in French his French friends and relatives and his elitist European tastes 2 Bush Secretary of Commerce said that Kerry looked French 3 Was characterized as an indecisive 4 D 5 D 6 D 13 GOP ATTACK AD 14 D 15 D Midterm exam 12 multiple choices and 2 short answer question define term its example 1 essay question 500 words introduction body and conclusion

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UW-Milwaukee JAMS 111 - Oppression

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