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Navindi Weerasinghe Exam 2 Part 3 State and Class From Class What is the great civic transformation According to Theda Skocpol the US has experienced a since World War 2 As a result blue collar workers working class person who performs manual labor are losing their jobs and new member groups start to proliferate For example these include organizations who have an involvement with a political charge The Great Civic movement was triggered due to factors like the Vietnam War which had a very negative effect on the American government People in Aerica started believing n deception after the Vietnamese war American culture became more and more self focused From the Reading Domhoff How do the power elite exercise influence in the political realm The power elite are referred to as the wealthiest of all people They affect people around them in many ways This small percentage of the population influences politics to a great extend Special Interest Process Policy Planning Process Candidate Selection Process Ideology Process State and Race Ethnicity From Class What is institutional discrimination In day to day life the institutions of society may function in such a way that they produce unequal outcomes for different groups It is an unfair indirect methods of treatment of individuals that are embedded in the operating procedures policies laws or objectives of large organizations Usually institutional bias targets specific easily stereotyped and generalizable attributes of individuals such as race and gender 1 Navindi Weerasinghe Exam 2 Part 3 Institutionalized discrimination often exists within governments though it can also occur in any other type of social institution including religion education and marriage A prime example of institutionalized discrimination would be the achievement gap in education This concept is global as many countries around the world practice some form of institutionalized discrimination For example in some countries women cannot vote drive or work certain jobs A good example would be that housing in the United States is valued differently based on the racial makeup of the neighborhood There can be two identical houses by factors like amenities and size but the assessed value of each house can depend on the racial makeup of the people within the community Homeowners therefore have an incentive to prevent minorities from moving into white neighborhoods Institutionalized discrimination within the housing market also includes practices like redlining and mortgage discrimination Many countries around the world exhibit some form of institutionalized discrimination such as Saudi Arabia where women and other oppressed groups cannot participate in some religious activities and can neither vote nor work in government State and Gender From Class Explain the two gaps between men and women Confidence gap The candidate should be sure of the position You need abundance of confidence and that desire to earn something worth it for yourself The candidate should be positive about the position and should look sure in what they are doing Ifnot there is a high tendancy of others trying to take advantage of the candidate In reference to the question men are generally referred to have high self esteem than women Generally people will not like to elect a person who does not have faith in themselves A trait of a self confidence candidate is that he she never questions themselves in public which can be seen more likely in males than females The stereotype is that women are most likely to ask questions and be more skeptical about their decisions This effect can be clearly seen when they say I feel that I think that Credit gap 2 Navindi Weerasinghe Exam 2 Part 3 Men demand more confidence for their achievement compared to women Comparatively women do negotiate for high wages but they usually appear on someone elsesbehalf In it common that a man is seen given more credit for getting a job done than a woman getting the same job doneAs a result we can say that Men are given more prestige powerand dominance over women due to the Credit gap From the Reading Falk Explain one of the three main stereotypes used in the media to suggest women should not run for president Women are seen as incompetent There is a notion that women are not able to handle the duties obliged of a woman and general office work at the same time One reason is because women are not effective at handling crises In light of the text a reporter asks the audience to imagine a woman handling a crisis like the one involving cuba which was dealt by John F Kennedy Falk uses another example where she states that a man would feel prejudiced if a woman is elected as president The stereotype is that women are not qualified for the higher office and if elected as president a woman would have to be backed up by support and advice from the men that are in high executive positions 3

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