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o Reproductive success is measured by an individual s ability to survive to reproductive age and to produce viable o offspring the frequency of advantageous mutations and the frequency of deleterious mutations o Fixation o Mutation rates commonly occur in natural populations at a fairly low rate yet they are ultimately the most important Evolution Study Guide Natural Selection o Positive Selection o Negative Selection Gene Pool Populations Mutation Recombination Adapted Allele Frequencies Fixed Phenotype Genotype Evolution source of genetic variation in the population gene pool genetic variation o o Somantic Mutation o Germ Line Mutation o Mutations can be harmful neutral or beneficial Deleterious Neutral Advantageous Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium o Describes situations in which allele and genotype frequencies do NOT change o Evolution also doesn t occur o Equations predict genotype frequencies from allele frequencies and vice versa o Conditions 1 2 Population sizes are typically from generation to generation o Because resources are o This imbalance suggests that in each generation many fail to survive or reproduce because there re simply not enough Limited resources means Some in a population are better adapted to survive because they have Changes in a population take The Modern Synthesis is a marriage between Mendelian genetics and Darwinian evolution o The traits studies by Mendel were meaning they had o Most of the variation we see in natural populations is and happens across a spectrum o Results in selection that ensures that both alleles remain in the population at intermediate frequencies 3 4 5 o o p q 1 p2 2pq q2 1 resources o o Competitive Advantage o Fitness Balancing Selection Heterozygote Advantage Stabilizing Selection Directional Selection Disruptive Selection Artificial Selection Sexual Selection Migration o Gene Flow Genetic Drift o Can create a population in which the selected phenotype is far removed from that of the starting population o Can an individual s reproductive success o Reduces genetic variation between the two populations because they are more like each other o Random Genetic Drift Particularly important in populations o o Bottleneck Effect o Founder Event Pseudogene Random Mating see lab manual

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UConn BIOL 1108 - Evolution Study Guide

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