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Social Foundations Review Sheet Oligarchy Rule by a few people who are affluent Christopher Hayes Twilight of the Elites Hunter college high is all about who can afford SAT prep Meritocratic Meritocracy Idea that power should be given according to merit Hayes says we are living in the Fail Decade Meritocracy has deteriorated into Plutocracy as a result of 9 11 Katrina recession etc Plutocracy Society ruled by the wealthy Issues in America have caused the financial crisis elite crisis and the media crisis Principe of Difference Required in Meritocracy this principle states that natural hierarchies of talent do exist Principle of Mobility Required in Meritocracy there must be a selection process that rewards merit and punishes failure allowing for roles to change within society Rich Aristocrats were never competitive When Meritocrats come along they were so competitive because they were not accustomed to the power Before 1980 was a time of social inequality filled with racism sexism anti Semitism anti farm etc Post 1980 From these groups came the elites especially women They are new to their celebrity status with platform wealth etc They become unethical competitive and greedy These old outsiders have now become the new insiders They push their way into wealth and ultimately don t even work anymore they just acquire wealth with no effort Thomas Aquinas Friar Treatise on Law which is part of Summa Theologica This book was intended as an instructional guide for moderate theologians and was a condensed version of the teachings on the Catholic Church In it The Philosopher refers to Aristotle Aquinas believed in putting an argument in front of you and figuring it out that way He was a professor at the University of Paris Universitas Guild word applied to scholars When you went to a University you worked up to a BA then to a MA Once you got a Masters you had the license to teach Licenlia Docendi Teaching Docere Latin ex Doctor Actor Treatise on Law 1 Law pertaining to reason Law does pertain to reason It is not how we feel it is a matter of thought It pertains to 4 or 5 basic laws like don t murder kill cheat etc The first principles of practical intellect 1 2 Eternal Law God s Law God didn t make a purposeless universe the end of everything is to be what is meant to be Humans are meat to be moral Aristotle says happiness is virtue and humans are the only social animals Real animals are simply gregarious with one another Humans come together to help each other be better more ethical people Society is an ethical thing not just a means of procreation 3 Natural Law Nature as creations of God Doing good deeds for others is innately within human beings You don t instill morals into children you bring out the morality within them 4 Human Law Laws created by society to implement and enforce Natural Law It is an Arena of Disputation superficial law made by people that vary form place to place time to time Human law states you cannot punish prohibit all evil deeds If you make human laws to eliminate all evil you will in effect destroy positive things A wise society can t make every prohibition for evil because human law can t create heaven on earth 5 Divine Law Human revelations of eternal law Bible Islam The Koran Allusions to passages in the Bible Old Testament Muhammad Born around 570 grew in a world where within the Roman Empire Christianity was legalized In 310 Christianity became legal Only encounters Jewish Merchants and Byzantines The People of the Book Hebrew Bible Muhammad initially only had positive views of Jews because each did their own thing but once Muslims start expanding and pushing forward this causes tension between the groups He travels to Medina and Islam becomes a military force inspired by religion Army s inspired by enthusiasm are generally highly effective Muslims become unstoppable and began recruiting Arabian tribes Returned later and conquered Mecca In 711 even crossed into Spain In 732 they were stopped by the French army There was a black stone in Mecca surrounded by a black curtain called the Raaba Outside the stone was a circle of the gods of Arabia When Muhammad came out and said these are just idols he get a lot of lashing out because saying this hurt the city economically In 622 he is forced to flee to Media There he creates an army with a sense of conviction with religion backing them Thus army becomes unstoppable swept through Arabia conquered Mecca etc There were no surviving Hindu temples in Northern India that pre date the Muslim invasion destroyed by conquering Muslims No icons within Islam they have no art from images trees animals etc Sunni vs Shia Sunni is more traditions based and Shia is more partisan descendants from tradition 632 Muhammad dies and there was a question as to who should be the next leader Caliph name given to next leader There was an argument over the true successors of Muhammad Sunni No successors to Muhammad he stands alone Shia Found mostly in Iran center for Shia 2 Pillars of Islam 1 Allah One God 2 Charity Azarei 3 Ramadan 4 The Haj Pilgrimage to Mecca 5 Prayer European Law European Law Law based on divine bible and Germanic Law common sense law It is good to have these two together but in Iran Afghan etc they only have divine law women not allowed to drive bad education Line of meaning Body and State guide anything above the line They are the lights that guide you in life of meaning Some people have all reason and no faith and vice versa Nowadays what s below the line is more focused on no reason no faith if it feels good do it Islam In Islam the Faith Spirituality Mosque becomes one with Reason Philosophy State Danger was for one of the groups one to eat up one from on the faith groups Judaism Temple and Synagogue State are not the way Islam is but there is often a tendency for the two to mix Buddhism Mauryan Empire 300 BCE 300 CE Only Buddhist Empire Most of Buddhism in India was assimilated in Hinduism Buddhism withdrawal from the line of meaning Christianity Justinian Law Common Law is separated from church laws There is little competition between church and state o Western Legal system of Divine Law and a Legal system of Justinian code secular law need both for a proper balance Buddhism Freeing oneself from materialism Question of separation of church and state is irrelevant in Buddhism Buddha lived in 500 BCE Now Buddhism is in Southeast Asia and Japan and is lacking the whole realm below the line of reason Gupta Four

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