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Production Design How do you want the movie to feel Cinematographer deals with lighting placement and purpose film stock etc Snorkel Lens a long flexible tube attached to the camera that can be maneuvered through a miniature model Production Designer builds the set has knowledge of the characters personalities decides WHERE to place objects and WHY Thinks about the visual statements made by the layout of sets architects color texture costumes AND interplay Recces wreckies trips made by the production designer to scout filming locations Art Director translates the sketch into a set Set Decorator dresses the set with curtains lamps furniture Prop Master supervises the design of props Scenic Artist supervises matte paintings and backdrops Costume Designer designs the clothes for each character Costumes clothes worn by the performers Sets physical locations on which the action occurs Matte Paintings printed painted onto the background of a setting Digital Matte contemporary films Tromp L oeil three dimensional objects drawn in two dimensional form 3D digital Matte simulates the perspectives of a moving camera o Photogrammetry creating three dimensional landscapes based on photographs

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BC FILM 2202 - Production Design

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