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Elements of Film Structure Structure film form Audiovisual design of a film Techniques used to create a design Content Description of a film Plotline characters theme etc Production Process 1 Pre Production 2 Production 3 Post Production Writing a script hiring cast crew design of sets preparation of camera angle rehearsal etc Cinematography sound recording actual filming etc Editing of sound and image composing the music score visual effects dialogue replacement etc digital grading Director control over structural and aesthetic details of the film Producer control over the schedule budget and administrative work Beta Movement a rapid sequence of light will appear as only one sequence of light 24 frames per second Time Running Time duration of a film o feature films 90 to 120 minutes Story Time timeline of the story of a film Internal Structural Time duration of each shot o tension and release Frame dimension of the projected area on screen o framing composition arrangement of objects within a frame Light can accentuate the shape texture and positioning of objects Space Camera Camera Positioning distance between the camera and the subject it is photographing o Long shot environment setting positioning in the scene establishing shots beginning of a movie o Medium shot closer look at characters with partial view of environment one shot two shot three shot shot dependent of number of people o Close Up shot Camera Angle angle of the camera onto the objects which depicts emotional responses from characters o low angle below the subject o medium angle eye level even with the subject o high angle above the subject o canted angle tilted camera angle makes the world look off kilter Camera Lens Different sized lenses can affect size of objects and depth within distances Emulsion the light sensitive portion of a film Focal Length the distance between the film inside the camera and the optical center of the lens o Normal 50mm focal length for 35 mm films o Telephoto Long focal greater than the normal range o Wide angle Short focal smaller than the normal range o Zoom variable Motion Parallax motion perspective a viewer believes that the camera is moving towards or away from a subject when in actuality the camera lens is just zooming in or out Rack Focusing changing the lens focal plane within a shot Foreground is blurry background is clear Background is blurry foreground is clear Angle of View how much the focal length of a lens can see o Shorter increased angle of view wider area o Longer decreased angle of view narrow area Depth of Field the amount from near to far that will remain in focus o Wide angle greater angle of view and depth of field o Telephoto magnification of distant objects Stationary Capture Pan side to side movement Tilt up and down movement Moving Capture Tracking Dolly parallel to the ground Boom Crane up and down through space The Camera and Human Perception Perceptual Transformation the ability to show things differently than the ordinary visual experience Telephoto and wide angle lens show an image that the human eye cannot see Fictional objects customs are accepted by an audience as representative of a separate reality Perceptual Correspondence the ability to show things in ways that reference correspond with the ordinary visual experience

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BC FILM 2202 - Elements of Film Structure

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