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Chapter 1 2 atoms Hydrogen bonding Occurs between Hydrogen s and highly electronegative o Explains why it can easily evaporate and how water can stick Endothermic reactions absorb heat Exothermic reactions release it Chapter 3 Proteins Proteins are made up of amino acids 20 building blocks o 20 amino acids in the body Central Carbon with a carboxyl group COO which is the negative side and an amino group NH3 which has a positive charge and an R group o Polymerization reaction Amino acids are bonded by peptide bonds condensation Condensation Losing water to form peptide bonds o R group is the most important part of the protein Determines what it can bond with what its shape will be Unique to EVERY amino acid 20 different R groups Differ in size shape reactivity interactions with water 3 types of R Groups Non polar o One long CH chain only CH s o Hydrophobic o Polar o Polar molecules like OH SH o Will contain O and S o Hydrophilic o Electrically charged o Charge o i e O o Only look at R Groups and their charges to determine electric charge When Amino acids are put into water o o Ionizes OH becomes O loses an H from carboxylic group o Adds that H to the amino group charge Acids vs Bases o ACIDS Donate H has a negative charge o BASES Accept H has a positive charge Proteins have 4 structures o Primary o Secondary Monomers put together A L G T Amino acid sequence Alpha helix Beta pleated sheets 2 different structures H bonds that are forming between the R Groups are keeping the structure together Alpha Helix Hydrogen bonds are keeping it twisted Beta Helix Folded back o Tertiary 3 D shape of alpha helixes and beta pleated sheets combination Due to R Group interaction H bonds ionic bonds disulfide bonds van der waals bonds hydrophobic bonds aka nonpolar molecules that are working together If a protein s bonds were destroyed tertiary structure would be most highly affected o Quaternary Quaternary structure Combination of 3 D shapes i e Hemoglobin i e 4 tertiary structures put together Chapter 4 Nucleic Acids 2 Main structures o DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid 2 anti parallel strands 5 to 3 and 3 to 5 Sugar Phosphate backbone is hydrophilic Nitrogenous bases are hydrophobic Traditional double helix of DNA is secondary structure doesn t form other structures by themselves Function Carries genetic information to make proteins for cells DNA Synthesis Cells synthesize new DNA in order to divide o Break Hydrogen bonds between bases separates 2 strands o Each strand is a model New strands are synthesized to complement the old strands o Phosphodiester between nucleotides in the same strand and H bonds will form between the two o RNA 1 structure long line that loops hairpin primary structure RNA twists itself to form a short lived double helix mRNA messenger sends info tRNA transfer translate information and rRNA ribosomal makes ribosomes Nucleotides are building blocks of nucleic acids similar to amino acids 5 carbon sugar phosphate group N base o Phosphate group stays the same o 2 different types of 5 C sugars Ribose DOES have an OH on the 2 C Corresponds with RNA Comes in different forms Has Uracil instead of Thymine Deoxyribose Does not have an OH on the 2 C Corresponds with DNA MUST be synthesized in a 5 to 3 order o 5 different types of N Bases Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine Uracil nucleotides Purines In RNA A U C G In DNA A T C G Adenine and Guanine 2 ring structure Pyrimidines C T U 1 ring structure o Phosphodiester Bond Bond between 2 nucleotides Add nucleotides how DNA is made OH on 3 Carbon bonds with 5 Phosphate group Chapter 5 Carbohydrates C O H Carbonyl group C O Hydroxide group OH C H group Examples include Glucose Galactose of Sugars o monosaccharaides 1 sugar o disaccharides 2 sugars o Both have the same molecular formula but have different structures o polysaccharides several sugars Differentiated by of Carbons o Triose 3 c o Pentose 5 c o Hexose 6 c Differentiated by Placement of the OH o Aldose End of molecule o Ketose middle of molecule o Alpha glucose when OH is below the ring o Beta glucose when OH is above the ring Polymerization Glycosidic Bonds o Lactose is a disaccharide made up of 2 glucoses o Alpha glucose alpha glucose maltose o Beta glucose beta glucose lactose o Starch Storage in plants Amylase unbranched Amylopectin branched Amylase breaks it down Needs to be broken down in order to get glucose so it can be used for cellular respiration o Glycogen Phosphorylase breaks it down Storage in animals o Cellulose Alternative Flipping of Glucose Structural polysaccharide for plants cell walls in plants Stronger molecule matching parts that wouldn t normally be matched o Chitin Structural in fungi and insects Alternative flipping o Peptidoglycan Structural in Bacteria Protein attached to the sugar makes it stronger Functions of Carbs o Building blocks o Structural o Cellular identity Signaling i e Peptidoglycan Can be used for support AND to signal cell to cell reception i e Blood Type Specific glycoproteins determine blood types o Providing Storing energy most common form Glucose being turned into pyruvate and then being used during citric acid cycle Chapter 6 Lipids Membranes Hydrocarbons o Associated with fats Fatty Acid Building blocks for lipids Defined by solubility molecules Low permeability CAN add more H to the molecules i e olive oil Higher permeability Plasma Membrane Acts as a barrier o Saturated Every Carbon has a single bond can t add more H into the o Unsaturated Will have a double bonded C somewhere in the chain o Regulates the passage of materials selectively permeable o Amphipathic Polar nonpolar parts to the bonds o Polar heads can interact with water not in cell BUT the other part of the molecule doesn t have to that s how it s permeable o AKA lipid bilayer o o Small molecules non polar gases can pass through o Large molecules polar ions cannot pass through Osmosis Passage of water through a membrane o Isotonic Equal movement into out of the cell o Hypertonic Hypertonic solution A lot of solute in the OUTSIDE of the cell Highly concentrated solute on the outside Water will go out of the cell to dilute the solution o Cell will SHRINK crenate Hypotonic solution Solute is highly concentrated inside the o Hypotonic cell Water will rush into the cell to dilute it o Cell will burst lysis Types of Proteins in Cell Membrane Helps impermeable molecules cross o In a red blood cell hemolysis over o Ion channels Ions dictated by electrochemical gradient High

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BU BIOL 118 - Notes

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