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HIST 0430 notes Pyle reading Kenneth B Pyle Some Recent Approaches to Japanese Nationalism 1971 late 19th century nationalism necessary for Japanese survival post 1945 vilified ignored approaches 1 intellectual historian idea transmission approach a pre 1868 thought b later Tokugawa thinkers rangaku Dutch studies 2 functional social communication dynamics and process of growth of nationalism a isolate pressures that form nation states conditions that yield nationalists b same cultural background yields nationalism c significance of timing greater connectedness i education conscription communication international environment political awareness d 3 structural structures in social groups conducive to nationalism a emphasis on emperor intensified traditional nationalism Craig b challenges common nationalist claims that nationalism and overtakes regionalism patriotism was substantially shaped by the old loyalty c 4 interest theory nationalism as a governmental ideological system a indoctrination also via dominant social groups b exaggerated pressure from society self interests 5 strain theory nationalism provoked by psychological strain a nationalism outlet for intense emotions cathartic b bourgeoisie too Western proletariat drove nationalism 6 cultural cultural disorientation created need for nationalism a between social and intellectual history b elimination of Tokugawa import of Western ideals 19th century Japanese nationalism

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