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HIST 0430 notes Lectures 7 2 26 14 and 8 3 5 14 page 1 Said 1979 Orientalism created by Western European supremacy Japan actively pursued Westernization not fully other Chinoiserie earlier obsession with Oriental art Japanisme 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia huge Japanese group went sold everything they brought Fenellosa mother art Morse Japanese Homes book published 1889 still printed Nationalism not new in 19th century but increased importance of nation state The Growth of Nationalism in the Meiji Period 1 Imperialism in East Asia a modeled after West b 1874 Taiwan expedition c 1876 open Korea i punished Taiwanese tribes for killing Ryukuans first to succeed after many others attempts i ii Treaty of Kangwa unequal treaty d 1884 Korea Kupsin Coup i attempt to overthrow government like Meiji Restoration ii Japanese support pulls out last minute coup fails e 1885 Li China Ito Japanese father of constitution agreement f 1894 1895 Sino Japanese War founding war of Japanese imperialism g 1894 unequal treaties abolished by 1899 treaty ports close by popular demand i i h 1902 Anglo Japanese Alliance 2 The Foundation of the Emperor System a divinity of emperor established in constitution b built up Shinto wanted to use for nationalism c 1879 Boshin Shrine renamed Yasukuni i 92k from Sino Japanese War buried there d 1882 Shinto divided i state Shinto increasingly a requirement for Japanese citizens ii sect Shinto considered a religion not a duty e education i 1890 Rescript on Education reframes filial piety as towards 3 Nationalist Reaction emperor a mid 1880s 1890s b angry over treaties still unequal 4 Defining Japanese cultural values HIST 0430 notes Lectures 7 2 26 14 and 8 3 5 14 page 2 a bushido AKA shido i bushi warriors way of warrior ii seppuku ritual suicide iii junshi following accompanying lord into death 1 Ieyasu makes illegal iv suicide not seen as moral sin v Japanese version of chivalry vi giri honor of samurai vii women 1 2 samurai b Japanese aesthetics i architecture 1 In Praise of Shadows Tanizaki a keep some things Japanese b title Japanese houses utensils designed with shadows in mind ii tea ceremony 1 Book of Tea Okakura Tenshin a written in English for Western audience b nationalist but writes from Asiatic viewpoint iii drama Noh 1 compared to Greek drama 2 highly stylized iv Buddhism Zen 1 D T Suzuki published works in English explaining Zen

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