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HIST 0430 notes Lecture 1 1 10 14 page 1 Japan has disputed borders outlying islands Jomon ancient Japanese civilization pottery Yayoi more advanced rice bronze iron Likely came over from mainland China Tomb kofun period Have imperial family Prince Shotoku Taishi 572 622 very Buddhist Taika reform Nara period 710 794 First to have formally established capital First written Japanese history Beginning of classical period Heian period 794 1185 Classical period Palace in Kyoto Less borrowing more cultural development Didn t adopt use of Confucian bureaucratic examinations Women have elevated status daughters married for power Tale of Genji first novel ever Shogunates bakufu 1185 1867 Shogun short form of earlier title meaning barbarian subduing general Permanent title passed down Minamoto Yoritomo first shogun all following technically have to claim decendence from him Kenmu Restoration 3 4 years failed followed by Ashikaga shogunate Mongol invasion repelled Sengoku Warring States period 1467 1568 Onin War 1467 1477 destabilized Ashikaga High social mobility Shogunate emperor virtually useless 1543 guns brought in by Portuguese 3 unifiers of Japan Oda Nobunaga 1534 1582 innovator Toyotomi Hideyoshi 1536 1598 overachiever Continues Oda s reforms solidifies samurai as class Last few years obsessed with heir conquering China To conquer China need to conquer Korea first 1592 first land invasion failure Tokugawa Ideyasu 1543 1616 organizer 1600 largest battle ever fought on Japanese soil Hideyoshi dead s forces v Tokugawa wins Sekigahara

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