HESP 202 02 06 2014 Language is a code made up of symbols and rules If you have a language disorder the problem you have has something to do with the symbols or the rules Hearing language and speech Language is the code speech is the output To convey language Speech verbal output o What you hear o The physical output of language Gestures gestural output Pictures visual output Speech problems Articulation Voice Fluency o Poor production of symbols o Problems with production of sound o Problems with the flow of speech o Stutters Hearing Important in communication Need to be able to o Identify presence of sound o Distinguish between different sounds Pan vs pen Fit vs sit o Perceive sounds in rapid succession Yesterday I saw the Mississippi River Hearing problems Not just one type Several types of hearing loss Each may cause different problems in learning and or understanding speech and language Types of hearing problems No sound here rare Sound is heard but it s too quiet ear infections can do this if you turn up volume and then you can hear Can only hear some sounds hearing loss in elderly is like this Professions and Professionals in Communication Disorders Professionals Speech language pathologists o Speech therapists speech clinicians speech teacher Audiologist Speech language or hearing scientists Speech language pathology assistants Audiology assistants All start out the same Bachelor s Degree all the same courses o Hearing and Speech Sciences o Communication Science and Disorders After bachelor s degree choose o Speech language pathology master s o Audiology doctorate Speech language Pathologists Must have Master s Degree o 2 years course work and clinical experience o pass national exam o work for 9 months with supervision Nationally certified by o American Speech Language Hearing Association ASHA o Certificate of Clinical Competence SLP CCC Certificate of Clinical Competence SLP Speech Language Pathologist Obtain license from state Provide evaluation and treatment for o Language disorders o Speech disorders o Swallowing disorders Caused by strokes If you swallow incorrectly it goes to your lungs Work Settings Schools Hospitals Rehab centers skilled nursing facilities Lang term care facility Private practice University clinics Populations served Babies to elderly Mild to severe impairments Evaluations only Treatment only Specific disorder areas communicate Sign language a language that is gestural and you need vision in order to 02 06 2014 Audiologist Must have doctorate AuD o 3 years coursework clinical experience and research o 4th year internship sometimes paid o pass national exam nationally certified by either or both o ASHA or American Academy of Audiology AAA Licensed by state Test hearing and describe hearing loss Refer to MD s for medical treatment Recommend dispense and instruct patients in using hearing aids cochlear implants or other assistive listening devices Otolaryngologist o Oto ear o Laryngo throat Provide some treatment Aural ear rehabilitation lip reading speech training hearing aid orientations Evaluate and treat balance disorders Work settings Hospitals Doctor s offices ENT Government organizations research Industry Government organizations clinical Public school districts University clinics Private practices Populations served Infants to elderly Specific problems o Cochlear implants o Hearing aids o Assistive listening aural rehab Speech language and hearing scientists Ph D Level 6 Primarily research and teaching May or may not be clinically certified Usually have a specialization area Work settings Universities teaching Universities research post Doc Government research NIH Clinical Industry hearing aid companies Medical Speech language Pathology Assistants SLPA Some 2 year degree at a comm college Not ASHA certified but stat licensed in most states Required coursework observation hours and clinical hours o Can not do evaluations o Provide therapy under supervision of certified SLP Audiology Assistant Not as organized as SLPA programs o Nova Southeastern in Florida Can do technical skills o Testing hearing in adults o Testing hearing in infants Can not interpret hearing info Can not dispense hearing aids American Speech language Hearing Association ASHA www asha org Certified both SLP s and AuD s Certify college training programs o Determine what courses are required Certify clinical settings o Assure consumers of quality care Special interest groups Speciality recognition American Speech Language Hearing Association ASHA Asha org Founded in 1925 33 million in dues Certify both SLP s and AuD s Certify graduate college training programs o Determine what courses are required o Assure students get quality education Certify clinical settings o Assure consumers of quality care Sponsor special interest group SIG s o 18 SIG s divided primarily by disorders child language disorders neurological disorders ASHA Governing body for clinical ethics o Code of ethics for people interested in a particular area pay to be member of these special interest groups Document that talks about what things are ethical and what are not When you become a member of ASHA you agree to follow the code of ethics Ex a violation Rule you cannot bill for services you don t do If a person comes in for one thing and you bill them for something else and someone reports you then you will receive sanctions from the ethics Determines Scope of Practice board o What clinicians can and can t do Advocate information source for consumers Specialty recognition for members who wish to have additional skills in particular area Current ASHA specialty recognition areas Speech language pathology o Child language o Fluency o Swallowing Audiology o Intraoperative monitoring Other professional organizations American Academy of Audiology AAA National black association for speech language hearing NBASLH There are student organizations for each one of those National student speech language hearing associations NSSLHA NBASLH SAA Speech language pathology or audiology Inter related professions Fundamentals of sound Sound is produced by vibrations Properties of sound o Intensity measured in decibels dB loudness Low decibels are quiet sounds High decibels are loud sounds o Frequency measured in hertz HZ pitch High low Anatomy of the ear 3 major parts of the ear Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear o Pinna or auricle lobule external ear canal o Tympanic membrane ear drum ossicles malleus incus stapes Eustachian tubes
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