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Chapter 13 Public Speaking Structuring the Message attention gaining and orienting material the purpose of the presentation and a specific statement of its I Elements of a Speech A Introduction B Central Idea main idea the major points to be expressed in the presentation The Body of the C Body speech may be organized into as many divisions as necessary to develop the intent of the message a summarizing and possibly motivating statement D Conclusion II Introduction A Attention Material 1 Personal References 2 Humorous Stories Illustrations 3 4 Rhetorical Questions 5 Action Questions 6 Unusual or dramatic Devices 7 Qutations related to the theme 8 Stating the Theme 1 Historical Background 2 Defining Terms 3 Personal History to tie to topic Importance to the listeners 4 B Orientating Material understand the basic material of the speech gives the audience the background necessary to III Body A Transitional Methods of arrangement for the body of the speech 2 Time Arrangement set point of reference and follow 1 Spatial Method of Issue Arrangement ideas organized on the basis of their similarities orders information from a beginning point to an a geographic pattern Flow ending one with all the steps developed in numerical or time sequence 3 Topical Arrangement or other relationships 4 Casual Arrangement such a way that if one occurs the other will necessarily follow differences together Or talking about similarities and differences as a unit identify what is wrong and to determine how to cure it or make a recommendation for its cure shows how two or more events are connected in 5 Comparrison Contrast Arrangement 6 Problem Solution Arrangement is used when a speaker attempts to grouping either similarities and IV Conclusion A Summary B Clincher C Q A V Alternative Methods of Organizing a Speech B Unfolding Method A Partitioning Method is a deductive format in which as the speech proceeds the speech is partitioned into a numner of points an inductive style in which the speaker lays out supporting evidence and them draws a conclusion leading the listeners to be drawn into the argument C Case Method subpoints the speaker discusses the central idea without breaking it into

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UMD COMM 107 - Chapter 13 Public Speaking: Structuring the Message

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