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Chapter 1 11 05 2011 10 05 00 Communication process which ideas are expressed as verbal nonverbal messages that are spread and comprehended Intrapersonal communication communication with yourself Interpersonal communication between two people Public communication to a large group Selective communication choosing the symbol we believe best represents the idea or concept we wish to express Source originator of message Receiver recipient of message Messages communication Feedback response to a message Frame of reference perceptual screen Noise potential for communication disruption Communication is traveled through a channel Noise can interrupt this channel Types of noise Environmental outside interference Physiological impairment noise physical problem deaf blind Semantic language barrier Syntactical bad grammar use Organizational cannot organize thoughts Cultural noise how members in a culture should act Psychological irritation that causes ineffective messages Models of communication Linear model of communication a source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver through one or more channels ex Interaction model of communication a source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver then the receiver sends it back commercials ads feedback Transactional model of communication speakers send verbal messages at the same time Intercultural communication communication with own culture Ethnocentrism we consider the views and standards of our own group as much more important than an out group Ethical communicators those who respect the integrity and ideas of the listeners Unethical causes fan base to decrease Interactional model instant message conversation Transactional model face to face conversation Chapter 2 11 05 2011 10 05 00 Language system of arbitrary signals such as sounds gestures and symbols that a community uses to communicate Cybernetic process brain computing and processing symbols to see words Language Explosion theory our understanding of language is based on other languages and ideas around us Linguistics the study of human sounds Some words have more than one meaning Denotative meaning direct meaning ex dog Connotative meaning hard to know exact meaning ex good Semantics relationship between language and meaning Function of language Emotive emotional connotative words Phatic function performing social tasks ex how are you Cognitive convey information Rhetorical influence thoughts and behaviors Identifying naming people and objects Language distortion when language is misconstrued Inferences when we interpret beyond available information and jump to conclusions Ebonics black English Inarticulates sounds phrases that have no meaning ex um Significant other theory how we learn language learn from people around us Superior north hypothesis English speaking people who believe that they are better than others Code switching shift from one dialer to another Chapter 3 11 05 2011 10 05 00 Non verbal communication all messages that people exchange beyond words themselves Neurological problems reactions to stimuli that we are born with Cultural behavior reflective of the culture we learned Action chain a behavioral sequence with two or more participating people in which there are standard steps for reaching a goal Verbal and non verbal relationships Substituting relationship no words but head nods Complementing relationship non verbal complements verbal words and head nods Conflicting relationship verbal and non verbal contrasting saying yes but looking like no Accenting relationship nonverbal stresses verbal saying yes and looking like yes Categories of non verbal communication Kinesics study of communication through body movements Facsics how the face communicates Oscalics how the eyes communicate Gestics study of movement of the body gestures Emblems nonverbal acts that have direct meaning o Ex sign language Haptics study of touch as communication Body synchrony study of posture and the way a person Artifacts study of things that adorn the body glasses piercing Physical characteristics communicate something about the walks stands person to others o Attractiveness height weight skin color etc Proxemics study of how people use and perceive their social and Paravocalics vocal effects that accompany words Ex speed power pitch intensity Chronemics the way people structure and handle their time Olfacts the study of smell Aesthetics the study of a communication of a message through color personal space and music Gustovics the study of how taste communicates Halo effect attractive people are viewed as more intelligent Devil effect ugly people are dumb Chapter 4 11 05 2011 10 05 00 response Hearing reception of a message through sensory channels Listening involves reception attention perception and listeners Left hemisphered brain Responsible for rational logic and thinking Linear learners Right hemisphered brain Visual and special matters We visualize Global listeners Factual statements those based on observable phenomena or a common acceptance Good listeners use Memory techniques acronyms Questions ask Feedback cues reconfirm why listener needs to know the information and visual stimuli message stimulate discussion Discrimative listening understanding difference between auditory Comprehension listening recognize and retain the information in a Therapeutic listening requires listener to ask questions and Critical listening centers on listener s comprehending and evaluating the message that has been received Personal appeal of the speaker Speakers arguments and evidence Speakers motivation appeals Assumptions on the part of the speaker What is not said Appreciative listening when a person engages in enjoyment of or sensory stimulation to a message such as listening to comedians Listener apprehension the fear of misinterpreting messages Listening techniques Be a patient listener Ego speak only concentrating on yourself Posture listens better with good posture Control distractions Tune into speakers cues Paraphrase repeat what the speaker said Visualize the points Factors that influence listening Volume of the person s voice Perceptual filter how you view the world and the way you see things Rhetorical stage figure out who you are talking to Chapter 5 11 05 2011 10 05 00 Intrapersonal communication communication internally with Need to know your own values needs and beliefs Self talk intrapersonal communication with yourself Self concept the accumulation of knowledge about the self

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