PUR3000 Study Guide Chapter 1 pass it to management 1 Two way communication solicits feedback PR practitioners must get feedback and o The idea that an organization not just the target audience changes its attitudes and behaviors in the process o PR is not just disseminating information but also the art of listening and engaging in a conversation with various publics 2 R A C E the process is a constant cycle feedback and program adjustment are integral components of the overall process Research what is the situation Action plan to do something about it Communication execution of the plan Evaluation was the audience reached and what was the effect 3 Spin reelection campaign consultants The term first appeared in a 1984 New York Times about the activities of Reagan s Used to mean the unethical and misleading activities and tactics of political campaign Today it is widely used in the media to describe any effort by an individual organization to interpret and event or issue according to a particular viewpoint It can also lead to a question of ethics Today positive slant on and event or information with a point of view Lying spin doctor 4 Third party endorsement a way for PR activities to fulfill marketing objectives By using PR articles newspapers endorse Via newspapers magazines radio and TV Through news releases about a company s product or services community involvement inventions and new plans 5 PR as management function PR is most effective when it is a strategic and integral part of decision making by top management Public relations involve counseling problem solving and the management of competition and conflict Chapter 2 1 Stages in evolution of PR Early Beginnings Rosetta Stone o Helped us understand hieroglyphics o The info on the stones was publicity releases of Pharaoh s accomplishments Julius Caesar the first politician to publish a book The middle Ages The Roman Catholic Church was a major practitioner of PR throughout the middle ages The church was the first to use the word propaganda The printing press was developed in 1450 Colonial America After American colonies were well established publicity and public relations techniques were used to promote various institutions Colleges raised funds through promotional brochures special events lotteries and cultivating wealthy donors PR also played a role in American independence Sam Adams once called the father of press agentry organized PR rallies such as the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre The 1800s The Golden Age of Press Agentry Barnum most well known press agent of 1800 s in America o Pseudo event a planned happening that occurs primarily for the purpose of being reported o Used flowery language exaggeration controversy massive advertising and publicity to promote his various attractions in an age when the public was hungry for any for of entertainment Westward Movement American railroads used extensive PR and press agentry to attract settlers and expand Politics and Social Movements Amos Kendall member of President Andrew Jackson s Kitchen Cabinet became the operations first press secretary Sampled public opinion on issues advised Jackson and skillfully interpreted Jackson s rough ideas putting them into presentable form as speeches and news releases First to use newspaper reprints un PR Early Corporate Initiatives John Wannamaker was one of the first major retailers to use the tactics of public relations to attract customers using lecture bureaus free magazines George Westinghouse establish the first in house publicity department 1900 1950 The Age of Pioneers Ivy Lee o Opened one of the first publicity offices in 1905 Parker and Lee o Became first PR counsel issues declaration of principles truth and accuracy o Urged business to practice public service o Insisted on active support of top management o Created two way communication and brought PR down to a community level Edward Bernays the father of modern PR o Introduced in 1920s o Emphasized the concept of scientific persuasion o Nephew of Sigmund Freud o Used behavioral psychology to change peoples perceptions and behaviors o Used publicity to gain acceptance for Russian ballet and men s tights o Talented wife Doris E Fleischman a writer feminist and former Sunday editor of NY Times o Chapter 3 1 4 basic value orientations The public interest The employer s self interests The standards of public relations profession Their personal values 2 Accreditation licensing program Requires five years experience Bachelors degree pass test 2 5 hours Movement to require continuing education PRSA was the first public relations group in the world to establish am accreditation 3 Gifts to influence publication PR practitioners should not provide junkets of doubtful new value extravagant parties expensive gifts and personal favors to the media 4 P R S A Public Relations Society of America 20 000 members 116 national chapters 4 responsibilities of members media relations writer editor marketing communications corporate communication Code of ethics include advocacy honesty expertise independence loyalty fairness Chapter 4 1 Line and staff functions positions Departments Investor Relations Consumer Affairs Governmental Affairs Community Relations Marketing Communications Employee Communications The Line Staff A military type structure line manager sets the roles and everyone under follows the rules Lines produce revenues Line manager 1 line authority has the power to give orders to subordinates Line managers are responsible for attaining the organizations goals as efficiently as possible 2 Outsourcing Staff managers no direct authority cant delegate authority Offer advice support and service to line departments Indirectly influence work of others using suggestions or recommendations The new trend using outside PR personnel in communication activities firms Many firms spend more than 40 of their budgets on outside PR Why outsource To bring in expertise and resources not found inside or to supplement ongoing internal activity Most frequent activities to outsource writing and communication needs media relations expertise publicity needs strategy and planning and event planning 3 Advantages disadvantages of using PR firms Pros objectivity variety of skills extensive resources special problems solving skills credibility offices throughout the country Cons superficial gasp of problem lack of full time commitment need for prolonged briefing period need for strong direction by top
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