BSCI 493 Part 2 01 14 2013 1 14 13 Test Questions 8 apricot pits is not acceptable because we don t eat the pits Cassava roots avoid poisoning after boiling 11 kava is now illegal because of the new strains containing higher percentages of active ingredients 13 is it safe what does it contain if has been evaluated by FDA herbals 26 fish oil heart disease 32 genus extraction active ingredient level of active ingredient 34 whether a dietary supplement is safe what it contains 38 consumption of toxic plant liver detoxification enzymes Pfiesteria spp Algae Blowfish Puffer fish Has value stretch of tissue on dorsal side find tasty fillets When comes out of water blows up survival mechanism 1 4th size of football tough skin tetradotoxin gives feeling of well being Japanese delicacy Skinned while still alive to prevent toxin getting into eaten parts Soup making tingling of lips mouth WED 4 30 pm power points due Film 48 billion alternative medicine driven by money the alternative fix mind body specialist meeting with acupuncturist and doctor How it began Tom Harkin had a friend Bedel congressman who turned to alternative medicine for prostate cancer and became cured of it o Herkin began taking bee pollen to treat allergies and found to no longer have any allergy symptoms Asked congress to have NIH study alternative medicine o 2 million to NIH for project when their budget was about 11 billion o used 2 milion for Office of Alternative Medicine Harvard Medical asked patients whether they were using alternative medicines Eisenberg of Harvard requested national survey and believed it would be 10 15 Results were unexpected o Found 1 3 americans using alternative therapy o Spending 10 billion out of pocket o Only 28 discussed with their PMD Deep tissue massage painful to clear body of toxins o Ex treating infertility Office of Alternative medicine scientists vs politicians o Harkin kept pursuing greater funds o 1998 got real office more funding placed top scientist in charge Strauss MD o UMD received funds for testing of knee osteoarthritis with o Nausea and dental pain are two only ailments proven to be Chinese acupuncture treated by acupuncture Acupuncture said to be mostly have placebo effect feeling better after treatment even when treatment has not supposed to have medicinal treatment St John s Wort Natural anti depressant proven not to work against severe depression In moderate major depression The more depressed someone is the more likely some one is to use herbal supplements May be dangerous reduces Indiavir anti viral for people with HIV Protective drug plummets in body when taking in organ transplant o Not enough warning to general public of contraindications o Does not have to prove if effective or safe How is it that supplements go through such little regulation Dietary Supplement and Health Act o DSHEA o Passed unanimously o Became one of the most controversial pieces of legislation FDA said they would begin to take herbals more seriously Utah state with highest herbal supplement use Voodoo Silence critic of DSHEA o took away FDA s rights of regulating drugs before shelved o FDA only able to intervene after issues show up 18 billion dollar industry since DSHEA 17 million reports of adverse effects Ephedra After death of popular baseball player Congress has made no move to change DSHEA to regulate herbal supplements before released to public Gonzales Therapy Natural Onco doctor Supplement diet plan and enemas 4 times a day using coffee NIH funded research on the Gonzales Plan difficult to study as no clear cut proof of curing cancer Charged with negligence Tx not covered by insurance Over 1 5 of hospitals provide some sort of alternative therapy Homeopathy Some studies show it works One of the most controversial therapies ground up tarantula treatments are so diluted barely any of the actual substance remains basically placebo Kombucha Tea Used as enema for treatment of cancer Probiotic method Toxic Fungi Power Point Amanita mascara Clavicepts around for a long time rarely see this organism anymore Everything is resistant to this fungus Attacks flower and replaces with black fungus On rye Used to induce abortion Fusarium Seen on corn kernels Corn was normal from naked eye Internal fungus Seen inside of plant Fungus that grows inside of plant Most mycotoxic fungi occurs in the air Alfatoxin steroid molecule Aspergillus flavus green mid to late 60s occurrence of disease in UK affecting chicken and turkeys where they suddenly died Autopsy found severe liver damage Turkey X Disease unknown disease being confined to young poultry o Research on Turkey X involving a pathologist people who work with poultry epidemiologist chemists group of individuals set on determining alfatoxins Examined feed of poultry looking for chemical responsible Found ground of peanut meal No chemical found must have been inside Grew on petri dish and found aspergillus Only found liver disease with peanuts inoculated with aspergillus Collected extract from aspergillus Alfatoxin organic solvent soluble Used TLC Ground of peanut sample fluoresced in black light Lets develop extract on TLC in various solvents let dry and use fluorescent from black light found 4 spots 4 spots vertical line o 2 top blue 2 bottom green o Alfatoxin B1 B2 G1 G2 Differences are substitutions on molecule B1 most toxin Horses fed moldy corn older study Maryland Horses dying from being fed moldy corn 1 15 13 Pfiesteria Harvesting fish with lesions on them Fisherman came in with lesions on them as well Burkholder of VA People who worked with algae around the fish and became ill and dizzy o Must have been inhaling something o Burkholder concluded must have been toxic and being inhaled o Algae toxins are water soluble Algae went through 9 stages of growth o Blamed southern Maryland chicken farms People repeated her research and asked for her algal islets to repeat her research and she refused and also refused to publicize her findings didn t want that o Repeating would ensure authenticity of her results but she Was probably something else that was responsible for effects She did not grow fish on one side and algae on other side in a closed tank With a semi permeable membrane o If a toxic was present lesions would have formed Many people tried repeating her experiment and found no damage Said her islets were unique and different from the other islets to the fish gathered believable Algal Poisoning involving people Red Tide o Thought to only be
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