Areas not Related to Communication Swallowing Balance o Speech language Pathology o Knowledge of anatomy and physiology o Evaluation and treatment o Audiology o Knowledge of anatomy and physiology o Evaluation and treatment Cognitive Linguistic Disorders Closely related to language disorders Language used to identify these problems o Memory o Judgment o Problem Solving o Sequencing o Attention Etiology Cause or origin of a disorder Wide variety Congenital disorders present at birth Acquired disorders develop after birth Differences vs Disorders Dialects Accents o Acceptable speech language differences o Used in a particular geographical region or by a particular ethnic group Differences NOT disorders Pre Language Development New Born neonates Reflexive Perceptual abilities o Limited short term visual memory o Distinguish intensity and duration of sounds and different phonemes Within first month coordinate vision and hearing 6 months balance improves sits unsupported From birth treated as a communicator Respond to human face within weeks o Initiates interaction with gaze o Respond to care givers vocalization o Can distinguish caregiver from others o Care givers must maintain the appropriate level of stimulation Early Communication Interactions 12 week olds vocalize in unison Vocal turn taking Use of gaze Child learns signal value of specific behaviors o Smiling body movement Rituals and game playing o 3 4 months Intentionality goal directed activity o Cognitive process 8 9 months Child considers the effect on audience Eye contact Gestures used to communicate o Will eventually be replaced with words Arms up pick me up Representation The idea that one thing can stand for another o Piece of paper as blanket for a doll Symbolization An arbitrary symbol word can stand for something else o Child responds to a few symbols for 7 months o First words said in the presence of object person o By 18 months can use symbol without the person or thing it represents being present Toddler Language Development First word 12 months but varies o With or without gesture o Functions that were earlier filled by gestures or simple sounds o Early pragmatics use of language Cookie reach No push away Dog point Hi by social greetings Wide range of intentions pragmatics Vocabulary o 150 300 words by age 2 Early child has a lexicon person dictionary Early word combinations 18 months are based on rules o Agent action daddy no o Action object eat cookie General guidelines o 1 word utterances at 1 year o 2 word utterances at 2 years o 3 word utterances at 3 years o continues until 5 years of age Huge vocabulary spurt between 18 to 24 months Words are simple usually only 1 2 syllables o Usually V C eat or CV my or CVCV Mama Difficult words reduce to the child s syllable structures and sounds repertoire Probably pattern learning vs discreet syllables o Not sure where each word ends o Use a word for a broader category than appropriate all animals are Frequently occurring words learned first Child uses semantic categories at first Over extension doggies Under extension o My dog is the only dog Holophrase a word that stands for a sentence o Lift arms and say up Early Speech Development First Words o Earliest sounds p b w m due to ease of production and perception o Syllable structure CV CVCV typical o May delete final sound at first ba ball o May add extra vowel caka cake Pre School Speech Development Sounds easier to produce come first Vowels are easier to make then consonants and are learned earlier Sounds are acquired first in initial position ball and than final tub then middle table Consonants blends not mastered until later Gender differences Individual differences common o Girls tend to be faster at acquiring sounds than boys School Age and Adolescent Speech Development By age 8 all sounds sound combinations and sound blends should be mastered May be disrupted temporarily by dental problems o Missing teeth braces retainers Test Information 10 15 questions about anatomy No diagrams 15 multiple choice 15 true false matching fill in the blank learn pre language toddler preschool school age Recap Communication Development o Cognitive development o Social development o Physical development Language Development Next Speech Development
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