9 10 12 Evolutionary psychology Biological Psychology Personality Theories Methods and Social Cognition part 2 Evidence from human behavior and the rest of animal kingdom 100 of all of our behaviors were not adapted and purposeful Evolution has shaped our brains we pick up information from the environment differently than other species What is going on in someone s mind that is affecting their social behavior psychological reasons Separate fields JPSP o Surveys most popular also use 3rd person reports When does personality matter o Trend for most people except based on high low on a certain trait E g self esteem attachment Positive psychology Positive emotions joy pride Positive behaviors cooperation love Positive outcomes life satisfaction Schema Cognitive structures representing ideas in the mind o Schema mind neuron brain Characteristics of schemata o Exists in both Conscious rational mind and Automatic associative mind Stable and resistant to change after they are formed o Types of schema Concept Specific person Group stereotypes Self fluctuates across situations Event stand alone Procedure sequence of events Scripts The Cognitive Miser perspective o Leads to Reluctance to question what we think we know or think deeply Faster judgment conclusions based on small amounts of information Heuristics Expensive better o Evaluating products services o Taste wine performance energy drinks o Placebo Halo Effect o Form overall impression based on limited info o Randomness doesn t appear random we often see pattern that aren t really there Base rate fallacy representativeness heuristic availability heuristic Read about in textbook Errors biases Heuristics Biases Systematic Errors and Biases o Gambler s fallacy o Hot hand fallacy Basketball no evidence that shot made will lead to successive shots made o Case studies personal narratives anecdotes statistical information Ex the phone always rings when I m in the shower o Confirmation bias Confirming events are salient and well remembered Ex prophetic dreams Disconfirming events are non events and therefore less salient less memorable Motivated reasoning the mind as a lawyer analogy worldview Self serving bias o When weighing evidence we seek preferred conclusions confirm existing schemata and o Intelligence or personality test feedback o Feedback on unhealthy behaviors o Negative medical diagnoses Request more testing and derogate procedures Downplay significance of diagnosis o Na ve realism List more recent factors that might contribute to inaccuracy in the testing Expectations impressions Priming with oh you re going to like this person influences you to like them before you ve even met the person Hannah study o Info about background judgment of performance Behavioral confirmation o Male femal phone conversation study Attractive unattractive photos o Men s expectation rating treatment o Men s expectations females behavior in response Coded by blind observers
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