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Communication is a conscious or unconscious intentional or unintentional process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal and or nonverbal messages that are sent received and comprehended COMM Midterm Study Guide Chapter 1 Process can be Accidental no intent Expressive resulting from emotion Rhetorical resulting from specific goals Levels of human Communication Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Public Communication is communicating with yourself is communicating between two or more people is a speaker sending a message to an audience Selective Communication we can choose the symbol we believe best represents the idea or concept we wish to express Encode take ideas and put them in a message Decode translate a message Primary Signal System the senses seeing hearing tasting smelling touching Components of Human Communication Source originator of the message Receiver recipient of the message Messages Communication Feedback response to the message Frame of Reference perceptual screen Channel what the message is carried through Perceptions the way you view the world affected by culture communication skills physical and emotional states experiences attitudes memory expectations Noise any internal or external interference in the communication process Environmental noise outside interference Physiological impairment noise physical problem blocking Semantic noise meaning of words Syntactical noise inappropriate grammar use Organizational noise when ideas aren t presented in a structural manner Cultural noise attitudes derived from a group or society about how members should act Psychological noise stress frustration irritation Context communication relates to who is present where communication is taking place and the audiences of those that are there Communication System consists of participants setting purpose and how the interact Linear Model of Communication a source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver the receiver then receives and decodes it Interaction Model of Communication source encodes a message and sends to receiver the receiver receives and decodes the message then encodes feedback and sends it to the source Transactional Model of Communication the communicators simultaneously process messages and return feedback Culture all individuals who have a shared system of interpretation Intracultural communication interacting with those in your culture Intercultural communication speak to those with no cultural bond Multicultural a society consisting of varied cultural groups Multiculturalism a political and additudinal movement to ensure cultural freedom Ethnocentrism belief that one s culture is primary to all explanations of reality Ingroup a collectivity with which an individual indentifies Outgroup a collectivity with which an individual does not indentify Ethics systematic study of what should be the grounds and principles for acceptable and unacceptable behavior Personal Ethical Value System basis for decision making and understanding of why you will or will not take a particular stand or action Ethical Communicators generally defined as those who conform to the moral standards a society establishes for its communicators Chapter 2 Language system of human communication based on speech sounds used as arbitrary symbols Gestual theory suggests that long before humans spoke they jabbered away with their hands Cybernetic Process mind functions as a computer the cortex stores computes and processes incoming signals Language Explosion Theory we build communication skills from the core of language we develop early in life Significant Other theory centers on the principle that our understanding of self is built by those who react to and comment on our language actions ideas beliefs and mannerisms Language Instinct Theory language is human instinct wired into our brains by evolution biological adaptation Social Contstruction of Reality Theory our world and how we deal with it are shaped by how we talk about its various components Linguistics study of sounds structure and rules of human language Frames of Reference backgrounds experiences and perceptions Denotative words meanings ones with direct explicit meanings Connotative words meanings ones with implied or suggested meanings Semantics study of the relationship of language and meaning warn us to avoid two valued orientation good bad right wrong The Functions of Language Emotional Language employs emotional connotative words to express the feelings attitudes and emotions of the speaker Phatic Language used to reinforce the relationship between the participants in a communicative exchange ie Greetings farewells small talk Cognitive Language used to convey information Rhetorical Language used to influence thoughts and behaviors Identifying Language centers on naming things clarify exactly what speaking about Language Distortion when people intentionally or unintentionally use language that is unclear or distort information when they process it Ambiguity when a word has one or more meaning or interpretation Vagueness when words or sentences lack clarity Double speak a form of vagueness that is decepting evasive or confusing Inferences when we interpret beyond available information or we jump to conclusions without using all the information available Linguistic determinism theory proposing that language may shape human thought Linguist social scientists who studies the structures of various languages Dialect a social or regional variation of language Standard dialect high prestige Non standard dialect low prestige Accent pronunciation and intonation used by a person Inarticulates uttered sounds words or phrases that have no meaning or do not help the listener gain a clear understanding of the message Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication all messages that people exchange beyond the words themselves Neurolinguistic Programming developed to codify and synthesize research on nonverbal communication with that of all other fields of communication Congruency relationship between current and past patterns of behavior and harmony between verbal and nonverbal communication Innate Neurological Programs automotive nonverbal reactions to stimuli with which we are born Action Chain behavioral sequence with two or more people in which there are standard steps for reaching a goal Relationships between verbal and non verbal communication Substitutional Relationship nonverbal message replaces verbal Complementary

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