BUSMHR 3200 Professor Lount Book Study Guide Dessler Dessler Chapter Two Managing Equal Opportunity and Diversity Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC Receives and investigates job discrimination complaints When it finds reasonable cause that charges are justified attempts to reach agreement Important Acts Equal pay act of 1963 unlawful to discriminate in pay on basis of sex when jobs involve equal work and are performed under similar working conditions Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act makes unlawful for employer to fail or refuse to hire or discharge individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual or to limit segregate or classify his or her employees or applicants for employment Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 unlawful to discriminate against employees or applicants for employment who are 40 or older Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 take affirmative action for handicapped persons Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 prohibits using pregnancy childbirth or related medical conditions for discrimination Civil Rights Act of 1991 burden of proof disparate treatment Affirmative Action Ensure equal employment opportunity which established Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs which is responsible for ensuring compliance of federal contracts Requiring employer make extra effort to hire and promote those in protected group Includes specific actions to eliminate present effects of past discrimination o Issue written equal employment policy o Appoint a top official o Publicize the policy o Survey present minority and female employment o Develop goals and time tables o Develop and implement specific programs to achieve goals o Establish internal audit and reporting system o Develop support of in house and community programs Sexual Harassment and Proving Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature that takes place under o Submission explicitly or implicitly term or condition of individuals o Submission to or rejection of conduct is basis for employment decision employment affecting individuals o Unreasonably interfering with work performance or creating intimidating hostile offensive work environment 1 BUSMHR 3200 Professor Lount Book Study Guide Dessler Quid Pro Quo rejecting supervisors advances adversely affected tangible employment action Hostile Environment Created by Supervisor or Coworkers and Nonemployees Americans With Disabilities Act Prohibits employment discrimination against qualified disabled individuals and requires employers make reasonable accommodations for physical or mental limitations unless doing so imposes undue hardship Adverse Impact Total employment process that results in significantly higher percentage of protected group in candidate population being rejected for employment placement or promotion Employers may not institute employment practice that causes disparate impact on particular class of people unless can show that practice is job related and necessary Disparate Treatment and Impact Disparate treatment intentional discrimination grossly biased statements Disparate impact unintentional discrimination o Measures effect of employers actions by analyzing adverse impact on employers actual hiring results Bona Fide Occupational Qualification Not be unlawful employment practice to hire employee on basis of religion sex or national origin in certain instances where religion sex or national origin is bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to normal operation of particular business or enterprise Business Necessity Defense requires showing there is overriding business purpose for discriminatory practice that practice is acceptable irresistible demand musts not only directly foster safety and efficiency but be essential to goals Discriminatory Employment Practices Recruitment Word of mouth misleading information help wanted ads Selection Standards Educational requirements tests preference to relatives height weight appearance health questions arrest records application forms promotion transfer layoff procedures uniforms Managing Diversity Maximizing diversities potential advantages while minimizing potential barriers that can undermine functioning of diverse workforce compulsory and voluntary actions Top down Programs employer institutes diversity management program to provide leadership assess situation provide diversity training and education 2 BUSMHR 3200 Professor Lount Book Study Guide Dessler change culture and management systems and evaluate diversity management program AGEM Approach Goals Executive commitment and Mandatory Attendance Dessler Chapter Five Training and Developing Employees The Training Process need to perform their jobs performance Training refers to methods employers use to give new or present employees skills Measure own performance in terms of how much impact have on companies o Influencing organizational effectiveness scoring higher appraisal and effecting productivity Strategic plans should govern training goals o Identify employee behaviors firm will require to execute strategy and form that deduce what competencies employees will have Establish linkage between learning and organizational performance workplace learning and performance has impressive record of influencing performance The ADDIE Five Step Training Process Analyze the training need o Task analysis employee breaking jobs into subtasks and teaching each to new Determine new employees training needs Detailed study of the job to determine what specific skills is required Job description and job specification list jobs specific duties and skills are basic reference points for determining training required o Performance analysis determining nature of performance problem Verifying that there is performance deficiency and determining whether should be rectified through training or through other means Supervisor peer self and 360 degree performance reviews Job related performance data Observation by supervisors or other specialists Interviews with employee or his or her supervisors Tests of things like job knowledge skills and attendance Attitude surveys Assessment centers First determine if it is a can t do problem and determine its cause or won t do problem o Talent management Using same set or list of competencies for recruiting employees as for Competency model selecting training appraising and paying consolidates a precise summary
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